Myofascial Release Massage: Deep Work. Lasting Relief.


CLIENT TESTIMONIALS: Athletic Improvement


I wanted to share my appreciation for all the help you have provided me over the years. Our initial Hellerwork series and the subsequent regular sessions we have together have greatly changed my life.

Some parts of my story you know and some you don't. I'll try to be as brief as possible, but I wanted to give you some idea on how much you have helped improve my quality of life.

A couple of years ago, I started to work out with a personal trainer. I had been lazy and hadn't gone to the gym for a few years before this. And when I had been going to the gym I had never really stretched. This was pretty evident when my new trainer put me through a series of evaluation tests. Let's just say my results were amazing. As I recollect I'm not sure I could even touch my toes.

I decided that I needed a change and started trying to correct all of these issues we had identified during our evaluation tests. My rehabilitation included weight training, stretching, cardio, and massage therapy. I started having sessions with a local massage therapist. After working on my muscles and joints for a number of sessions, she referred me to you.

This massage therapist had attended one of your classes previously. She had been impressed with your work and techniques and believed that I could benefit from some of your advanced techniques. After seeing you for the first time, I had to concur with her assessment. We met and I told you my goals and you told me a couple of different options that you could work on with me to help resolve my issues.

I thought the Hellerwork series sounds like the best option to start with. Well, that was certainly an interesting choice. The first thing I noticed was how painful the first session was. The only thing more amazing than the pain was the results. After one session with you I could actually start to feel my muscles separate and start to work properly.

Before that first session my muscles seemed to work as a large block instead of individual interlocking groups of muscles. Well as we went through the Hellerwork series everything we worked on continued to improve. I particularly liked the breathing part of the series. (I have sleep apnea and the breathing portion of the Hellerwork series helped me get to sleep easier and sleep longer with less apnea events.)

After we completed our Hellerwork series, I continued to see you for regular sessions. As I progressed in my training I found new and inventive problems that I needed your assistance with. This has gone one for a number of years now and I am amazed at how well my training in the gym has progressed. I am know regularly completing, deadlifts, squats, clean and presses and many other exercises that I would not have dreamed of trying before.

Last week I started to complete a number of Olympic style snatches. Obviously these are low weights to start out with but I was actually able to complete the exercise properly without any issues. My personal trainer said I was one of only two clients he has that actually complete these with anything close to the proper form.

Now my biggest issue is continuing to address my diet! This is a huge change from where we started. Once again Howard, Thank you for all of your work on my behalf. I know that some of my issues have been challenging and have taken some time to work through. From my perspective things just keep getting better and better.

Thank you,
Loughlin Black

athletic improvement testimonial

From: kimberly polchlopek
To: howard rontal
Subject: Thank you!

Hello Howard,

I just wanted to say thank you for what you did for me Friday.

I went to the club to workout this a.m., and I was able to do an hour on the stairmaster with the greatest of ease! I have not been able to talk, which is a rarity, while doing cardio for a very long time now due to shortness of breath. Today I held conversations with no problem. Tomorrow I am going for 1 1/2 - 2 hrs of cardio, we'll see what happens. I also noticed a difference in my hips.

You are amazing! I cannot thank you enough.

Have a great month. Look forward to seeing you in May.


Howard -

Just wanted to drop you a line before you headed to Fiji. Since I saw you on Thursday, I have run three days in a row without pain in my right knee or the usual "clunking" of the right leg. This weekend was the real test since I ran 10 miles on Saturday followed by 16 miles today. There was no pain at all. I did have some "whispers" from my hips after approximately 15 miles (in the past, my hips typically start hurting at mile 13), but I can live with that. Thanks again. Hope you have a great vacation.

Mike McGrail

Howard is an amazing practitioner. I’ve attended over 10 sessions with Howard. He has assisted in increasing range of movement in my squat depth and shoulder mobility. Whilst assisting in reducing ongoing mobility and pain issues associated with a past life playing Rugby League. Can not recommend him enough. Life changing.

Gary Green

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244
© Howard Rontal



I wanted to share my appreciation for all the help you have provided me over the years. Our initial Hellerwork series and the subsequent regular sessions we have together have greatly changed my life.

Some parts of my story you know and some you don't. I'll try to be as brief as possible, but I wanted to give you some idea on how much you have helped improve my quality of life.

A couple of years ago, I started to work out with a personal trainer. I had been lazy and hadn't gone to the gym for a few years before this. And when I had been going to the gym I had never really stretched. This was pretty evident when my new trainer put me through a series of evaluation tests. Let's just say my results were amazing. As I recollect I'm not sure I could even touch my toes.

I decided that I needed a change and started trying to correct all of these issues we had identified during our evaluation tests. My rehabilitation included weight training, stretching, cardio, and massage therapy. I started having sessions with a local massage therapist. After working on my muscles and joints for a number of sessions, she referred me to you.

This massage therapist had attended one of your classes previously. She had been impressed with your work and techniques and believed that I could benefit from some of your advanced techniques. After seeing you for the first time, I had to concur with her assessment. We met and I told you my goals and you told me a couple of different options that you could work on with me to help resolve my issues.

I thought the Hellerwork series sounds like the best option to start with. Well, that was certainly an interesting choice. The first thing I noticed was how painful the first session was. The only thing more amazing than the pain was the results. After one session with you I could actually start to feel my muscles separate and start to work properly.

Before that first session my muscles seemed to work as a large block instead of individual interlocking groups of muscles. Well as we went through the Hellerwork series everything we worked on continued to improve. I particularly liked the breathing part of the series. (I have sleep apnea and the breathing portion of the Hellerwork series helped me get to sleep easier and sleep longer with less apnea events.)

After we completed our Hellerwork series, I continued to see you for regular sessions. As I progressed in my training I found new and inventive problems that I needed your assistance with. This has gone one for a number of years now and I am amazed at how well my training in the gym has progressed. I am know regularly completing, deadlifts, squats, clean and presses and many other exercises that I would not have dreamed of trying before.

Last week I started to complete a number of Olympic style snatches. Obviously these are low weights to start out with but I was actually able to complete the exercise properly without any issues. My personal trainer said I was one of only two clients he has that actually complete these with anything close to the proper form.

Now my biggest issue is continuing to address my diet! This is a huge change from where we started. Once again Howard, Thank you for all of your work on my behalf. I know that some of my issues have been challenging and have taken some time to work through. From my perspective things just keep getting better and better.

Thank you,
Loughlin Black

athletic improvement testimonial

From: kimberly polchlopek
To: howard rontal
Subject: Thank you!

Hello Howard,

I just wanted to say thank you for what you did for me Friday.

I went to the club to workout this a.m., and I was able to do an hour on the stairmaster with the greatest of ease! I have not been able to talk, which is a rarity, while doing cardio for a very long time now due to shortness of breath. Today I held conversations with no problem. Tomorrow I am going for 1 1/2 - 2 hrs of cardio, we'll see what happens. I also noticed a difference in my hips.

You are amazing! I cannot thank you enough.

Have a great month. Look forward to seeing you in May.


Howard -

Just wanted to drop you a line before you headed to Fiji. Since I saw you on Thursday, I have run three days in a row without pain in my right knee or the usual "clunking" of the right leg. This weekend was the real test since I ran 10 miles on Saturday followed by 16 miles today. There was no pain at all. I did have some "whispers" from my hips after approximately 15 miles (in the past, my hips typically start hurting at mile 13), but I can live with that. Thanks again. Hope you have a great vacation.

Mike McGrail

Howard is an amazing practitioner. I’ve attended over 10 sessions with Howard. He has assisted in increasing range of movement in my squat depth and shoulder mobility. Whilst assisting in reducing ongoing mobility and pain issues associated with a past life playing Rugby League. Can not recommend him enough. Life changing.

Gary Green

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal
phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal