Myofascial Release Massage: Easy To Learn. Immediate Results.




Back Pain

Hi Howard, this is TJ from class this weekend. I wanted to let you know that I incorporated some of the techniques you taught us this weekend.

I had a regular come in today that has degenerative discs in his thoracic area. Usually our treatments relieve some of his pain for a day or two but he usually is still in some pain when he leaves me. Today I did a couple of the back techniques just to see if he could tolerate it.

When our treatment was over he said he felt great and he actually had no pain at all. It was pretty exciting since I only did a couple of the new techniques. I just want to thank you once again for a great class. I really enjoyed the flow of the class and it felt extremely comprehensive. So much so that I felt confident enough to use these techniques on my clients so soon after learning them.

It was so great to meet you and I hope you are able to come back in October. I look forward to working with you again.

Warmest Regards,

Hi Howard, this is TJ from class this weekend. I wanted to let you know that I incorporated some of the techniques you taught us this weekend.

I had a regular come in today that has degenerative discs in his thoracic area. Usually our treatments relieve some of his pain for a day or two but he usually is still in some pain when he leaves me. Today I did a couple of the back techniques just to see if he could tolerate it.

When our treatment was over he said he felt great and he actually had no pain at all. It was pretty exciting since I only did a couple of the new techniques. I just want to thank you once again for a great class. I really enjoyed the flow of the class and it felt extremely comprehensive. So much so that I felt confident enough to use these techniques on my clients so soon after learning them.

It was so great to meet you and I hope you are able to come back in October. I look forward to working with you again.

Warmest Regards,

A Massage Envy client came in complaining that she could feel nothing but the small of her back, that no other part of her body seemed to have any sensation. I had her lay prone on the table and applied MRM techniques to open her back, then to stretch erector spinae, followed by some Swedish calming strokes. When she got up, she told me that "I have a body again, not just the small of my back."

Howard, thanks again for some amazingly effective techniques. I really look forward to Level III in March.

- Al Twanmo

Hi Howard,

I can't keep emailing you everytime that I work on someone and the results are amazing, but I had to share with you what I found out today. I have been working at the chiropractor since last November and seeing this female client that is suffering from lower back and leg pain.

She is slightly overweight and that has had a impact on her situation, but she has been seing the dr and me with little to no results. She saw me last Friday and I did MFR on her lower legs, gluts, and lower back, thinking that she would have the same results.

She came in today to see me today and when I asked her how she did over the weekend she replied that she had a pain free weekend and she was able to walk around with much more ease and was happy about it.

So for almost a year, we haven't gotten any results and in one day of MFR we saw measurable results! I was giddy like a little school girl! This stuff really does work!

By the way, I did more work on her today and she didn't exibit the disomfort while I was doing the work that she did last week too.

Thanks again,
Cindy Walters

Thank you for teaching it to me!!! I have had some pretty cool things happen with my clients since using it.

A friend of my text-ed me just before the end of class Sunday and asked if I could do anything for him. I went over to his place and worked on him for about 20 minutes and the low back pain that was preventing him form doing almost anything was just about gone. He said he was at about 95% better after I worked on him. So that was pretty cool.

One of my regulars came in yesterday and he has had multiple back surgeries and I just have never been able to get very far with him. He LOVED the work. He said that he finally felt like we got some where and that he actually felt some relief from his chronic low back pain. I told him wait till September when I get the lower body stuff and can do his legs!

I am really glad I got a chance to take this class with you. Not only is the technique wonderful but as an instructor you are amazing! Very patient and clear about what you are teaching. And you passion for this type of work really shows.

I am really looking forward to September when we do the lower body class. Yes I will be there the place we were going to have the wedding is already booked so I am free that weekend! Then all we have to do is get you back here for the advanced stuff. Looking forward to seeing you in September!

Be well,
Carrie R. DiMartino
altTHERA health
Boston, MA

I have to say that I use some of your techniques in 90% of all the deep tissue massages I do. I have had multiple positive results. I have gained 3 new clients who come in mainly for the myofascial work. One has had thumb pain for about a year now with poor results. I did a whole session of upper body myofascial work on her.

She felt so good after it, that she came back every week just for the same treatment. After about 5 treatments, the pain has subsided and she continues to come in every other week, because she feels the myofascial work not only fixed her thumb, but has given her better posture and just makes her feel good all over.

Another client said he felt a little sore the next day after a session of upper body mofascial work, but said the positive results of the treatment carried over for days. He also comes in every other week now and asks for the seated myofascial work after every session. One more client I had shortly after taking your course had come in just for a basic massage until I told her about the myofascial work. You see, she had back surgery years quite a few years ago that involved the placement of a long rod in her back.

Since then she has had chronic back pain due to the stiffness it has caused. We spent the session together doing myofascial work throughout her upper body. By the end of the session, she was almost in tears. Not because of any pain, but because of the relief she had felt after the session. I saw her about an hour later outside of the office and she told me that she could not take the smile off her face, because it was the best she had felt in years. Unfortunately, she was on vacation and did not live in my area. I advised her to seek out a myofascial worker, with a spice of Hellerwork, in her area.

Also, I must say that everyone I do the seated work on absolutely loves the results and the stress and tension it takes away. In fact, there are now 3, soon to be 4, of us massage therapists that work together that have taken your course and we often do the seated work, as well as the forearm/hand work, on each other between clients because of the results it gives.
Thanks Howard!
Lisa Porawski

Hello Howard,

I've had some excellent results and love using this method. One of my clients early on after I completed the level one training, had an old shoulder injury that had greatly restricted her range of motion, and after working her shoulder girdle once, she reported significant improvement, and then after another 3-4 sessions finally had normal range of motion back and was completely free of pain.

My most "dramatic" case would have been a client who was visiting a running store across the street from where i work. He was trying out some new running shoes and somehow put out his back. He was not able to fully straighten out and couldn't get into his car to drive back home. So he came across the street to Therapeutic Body Kneads, and even needed help getting on the table.

He was very concerned and distressed, because he was due to go on a cruise the next day, and was worried that he wouldn't be able to go in his condition.

After I worked on him he was able to easily get off the table, straighten his back completely and felt a relief from most of his pain. He reported that he was fine throughout the duration of his cruise, and must still be doing well, since I have not seen him at our practice again. :-)

I am very glad i took your courses, and know that i now have a tool with which i can really help my clients. It gives me confidence to know that I am able to address most problems that people come in with.

Thank you for all your help.

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244
© Howard Rontal


Hi Howard, this is TJ from class this weekend. I wanted to let you know that I incorporated some of the techniques you taught us this weekend.

I had a regular come in today that has degenerative discs in his thoracic area. Usually our treatments relieve some of his pain for a day or two but he usually is still in some pain when he leaves me. Today I did a couple of the back techniques just to see if he could tolerate it.

When our treatment was over he said he felt great and he actually had no pain at all. It was pretty exciting since I only did a couple of the new techniques. I just want to thank you once again for a great class. I really enjoyed the flow of the class and it felt extremely comprehensive. So much so that I felt confident enough to use these techniques on my clients so soon after learning them.

It was so great to meet you and I hope you are able to come back in October. I look forward to working with you again.

Warmest Regards,

Hi Howard, this is TJ from class this weekend. I wanted to let you know that I incorporated some of the techniques you taught us this weekend.

I had a regular come in today that has degenerative discs in his thoracic area. Usually our treatments relieve some of his pain for a day or two but he usually is still in some pain when he leaves me. Today I did a couple of the back techniques just to see if he could tolerate it.

When our treatment was over he said he felt great and he actually had no pain at all. It was pretty exciting since I only did a couple of the new techniques. I just want to thank you once again for a great class. I really enjoyed the flow of the class and it felt extremely comprehensive. So much so that I felt confident enough to use these techniques on my clients so soon after learning them.

It was so great to meet you and I hope you are able to come back in October. I look forward to working with you again.

Warmest Regards,

A Massage Envy client came in complaining that she could feel nothing but the small of her back, that no other part of her body seemed to have any sensation. I had her lay prone on the table and applied MRM techniques to open her back, then to stretch erector spinae, followed by some Swedish calming strokes. When she got up, she told me that "I have a body again, not just the small of my back."

Howard, thanks again for some amazingly effective techniques. I really look forward to Level III in March.

- Al Twanmo

Hi Howard,

I can't keep emailing you everytime that I work on someone and the results are amazing, but I had to share with you what I found out today. I have been working at the chiropractor since last November and seeing this female client that is suffering from lower back and leg pain.

She is slightly overweight and that has had a impact on her situation, but she has been seing the dr and me with little to no results. She saw me last Friday and I did MFR on her lower legs, gluts, and lower back, thinking that she would have the same results.

She came in today to see me today and when I asked her how she did over the weekend she replied that she had a pain free weekend and she was able to walk around with much more ease and was happy about it.

So for almost a year, we haven't gotten any results and in one day of MFR we saw measurable results! I was giddy like a little school girl! This stuff really does work!

By the way, I did more work on her today and she didn't exibit the disomfort while I was doing the work that she did last week too.

Thanks again,
Cindy Walters

Thank you for teaching it to me!!! I have had some pretty cool things happen with my clients since using it.

A friend of my text-ed me just before the end of class Sunday and asked if I could do anything for him. I went over to his place and worked on him for about 20 minutes and the low back pain that was preventing him form doing almost anything was just about gone. He said he was at about 95% better after I worked on him. So that was pretty cool.

One of my regulars came in yesterday and he has had multiple back surgeries and I just have never been able to get very far with him. He LOVED the work. He said that he finally felt like we got some where and that he actually felt some relief from his chronic low back pain. I told him wait till September when I get the lower body stuff and can do his legs!

I am really glad I got a chance to take this class with you. Not only is the technique wonderful but as an instructor you are amazing! Very patient and clear about what you are teaching. And you passion for this type of work really shows.

I am really looking forward to September when we do the lower body class. Yes I will be there the place we were going to have the wedding is already booked so I am free that weekend! Then all we have to do is get you back here for the advanced stuff. Looking forward to seeing you in September!

Be well,
Carrie R. DiMartino
altTHERA health
Boston, MA

I have to say that I use some of your techniques in 90% of all the deep tissue massages I do. I have had multiple positive results. I have gained 3 new clients who come in mainly for the myofascial work. One has had thumb pain for about a year now with poor results. I did a whole session of upper body myofascial work on her.

She felt so good after it, that she came back every week just for the same treatment. After about 5 treatments, the pain has subsided and she continues to come in every other week, because she feels the myofascial work not only fixed her thumb, but has given her better posture and just makes her feel good all over.

Another client said he felt a little sore the next day after a session of upper body mofascial work, but said the positive results of the treatment carried over for days. He also comes in every other week now and asks for the seated myofascial work after every session. One more client I had shortly after taking your course had come in just for a basic massage until I told her about the myofascial work. You see, she had back surgery years quite a few years ago that involved the placement of a long rod in her back.

Since then she has had chronic back pain due to the stiffness it has caused. We spent the session together doing myofascial work throughout her upper body. By the end of the session, she was almost in tears. Not because of any pain, but because of the relief she had felt after the session. I saw her about an hour later outside of the office and she told me that she could not take the smile off her face, because it was the best she had felt in years. Unfortunately, she was on vacation and did not live in my area. I advised her to seek out a myofascial worker, with a spice of Hellerwork, in her area.

Also, I must say that everyone I do the seated work on absolutely loves the results and the stress and tension it takes away. In fact, there are now 3, soon to be 4, of us massage therapists that work together that have taken your course and we often do the seated work, as well as the forearm/hand work, on each other between clients because of the results it gives.
Thanks Howard!
Lisa Porawski

Hello Howard,

I've had some excellent results and love using this method. One of my clients early on after I completed the level one training, had an old shoulder injury that had greatly restricted her range of motion, and after working her shoulder girdle once, she reported significant improvement, and then after another 3-4 sessions finally had normal range of motion back and was completely free of pain.

My most "dramatic" case would have been a client who was visiting a running store across the street from where i work. He was trying out some new running shoes and somehow put out his back. He was not able to fully straighten out and couldn't get into his car to drive back home. So he came across the street to Therapeutic Body Kneads, and even needed help getting on the table.

He was very concerned and distressed, because he was due to go on a cruise the next day, and was worried that he wouldn't be able to go in his condition.

After I worked on him he was able to easily get off the table, straighten his back completely and felt a relief from most of his pain. He reported that he was fine throughout the duration of his cruise, and must still be doing well, since I have not seen him at our practice again. :-)

I am very glad i took your courses, and know that i now have a tool with which i can really help my clients. It gives me confidence to know that I am able to address most problems that people come in with.

Thank you for all your help.

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal
phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal