Myofascial Release Massage: Deep Work. Lasting Relief.




You have given me back the greatest pleasure and passion in my life. . . playing the piano. I had a serious frozen shoulder and arm condition from overuse that stopped me from playing the piano 15 years ago. It finally healed with time — actually 10 years. Last summer it reared its ugly head. I was devastated. I couldn’t play at all or move my arm or shoulder without pain. I thought I was back in the soup for another decade or more. I tried physical therapy and other body workers as well as various drugs. Nothing worked. Your work completely solved my problem. You zeroed in on what had to be done and did it. I still don't understand why there isn’t anyone out there like you, but believe me there isn't. Over the last 15 years I tried everything. . . acupuncture, therapy, drugs, shots, massage, physical therapy. For the first year of my injury I even spent a day a week at John Hopkins hand clinic I have virtually no pain today in my shoulder or arm thanks to you. . I can play the piano for hours without a problem. I can’t thank you enough for giving me back my greatest joy in life.

With deep gratitude,
Jackie Zins

Before I went to see Howard I was unable to carry out simple tasks without experiencing significant pain in my shoulders. I couldn't raise my arms over my head. I was unable to unload the dishwasher or wash my own hair without wincing from the pain.

My doctor had recommended that I get a massage. She sent me for x-rays and blood tests, none of which offered me helpful answers or relief. Finally, my mother suggested that I have myofacial work done on my shoulders. I wasn't entirely sure what that entailed, but I was willing to do anything to avoid living on pain killers. Within minutes after meeting Howard, he diagnosed me with "frozen shoulders."

After our first session I could move my arms much more freely. After three sessions I can barely remember that I had the problem at all. I am sleeping better and there is no pain. Thanks to Howard I have a full range of motion and I have no need for pain killers. I am very grateful.

Lisa Farnsworth

Dear Howard,

I am writing to thank you, and to note for the record, the good work you did on my frozen shoulder. It's now been at least six months since I last saw you and my shoulder remains mobile. As you remember, this is no small feat.

When I came to you I found it impossible to raise my arm above my shoulder. At a certain point it just stopped and the pain was very sharp. Extending it was also very painful, even to reach out to open my car door. The condition had persisted for over a year and resisted all help. Many physical therapy sessions had done nothing for it at all.

The Hellerwork you performed produced a positive change in the first session and subsequent sessions got varying degrees of improvement. Some of what you did was itself painful but results of each set of strokes almost always proved fruitful right then and there. Full range of motion is now about 85% restored and the many small acts I had avoided because of the pain are now easeful for me.

I also appreciated the fact that you scheduled sessions to accommodate my schedule. If I meet anyone else with a similar condition I will certainly refer them on to you.

Yours truly,
Lorenz Pohlmeier

The shoulder pain was gone and it never came back.

Dear Howard:

From one Therapist to another, I am very pleased with the results that you gave me on my frozen shoulder. I came to see you last December 06 and I could barely move my shoulder. You worked on my shoulder and in only one session, you had my shoulder moving like it was prior to my injury. Since that time, I haven't had a real problem with it, unless it is too cold then it just aches in the joints a little but I can still move it.

I am very pleased with your work and techniques. I use these in my practice on my clients.

There is much more that you know and aren't able to teach in class because it would take more than a weekend to pick your brains. I have learned other techniques from you that you aren't able to teach in class because it would take more than a weekend. I also take these to my table and had some great results.

Thank you again.

Rachel Mashni CMT
Redford/Canton, Michigan

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244
© Howard Rontal



You have given me back the greatest pleasure and passion in my life. . . playing the piano. I had a serious frozen shoulder and arm condition from overuse that stopped me from playing the piano 15 years ago. It finally healed with time — actually 10 years. Last summer it reared its ugly head. I was devastated. I couldn’t play at all or move my arm or shoulder without pain. I thought I was back in the soup for another decade or more. I tried physical therapy and other body workers as well as various drugs. Nothing worked. Your work completely solved my problem. You zeroed in on what had to be done and did it. I still don't understand why there isn’t anyone out there like you, but believe me there isn't. Over the last 15 years I tried everything. . . acupuncture, therapy, drugs, shots, massage, physical therapy. For the first year of my injury I even spent a day a week at John Hopkins hand clinic I have virtually no pain today in my shoulder or arm thanks to you. . I can play the piano for hours without a problem. I can’t thank you enough for giving me back my greatest joy in life.

With deep gratitude,
Jackie Zins

Before I went to see Howard I was unable to carry out simple tasks without experiencing significant pain in my shoulders. I couldn't raise my arms over my head. I was unable to unload the dishwasher or wash my own hair without wincing from the pain.

My doctor had recommended that I get a massage. She sent me for x-rays and blood tests, none of which offered me helpful answers or relief. Finally, my mother suggested that I have myofacial work done on my shoulders. I wasn't entirely sure what that entailed, but I was willing to do anything to avoid living on pain killers. Within minutes after meeting Howard, he diagnosed me with "frozen shoulders."

After our first session I could move my arms much more freely. After three sessions I can barely remember that I had the problem at all. I am sleeping better and there is no pain. Thanks to Howard I have a full range of motion and I have no need for pain killers. I am very grateful.

Lisa Farnsworth

Dear Howard,

I am writing to thank you, and to note for the record, the good work you did on my frozen shoulder. It's now been at least six months since I last saw you and my shoulder remains mobile. As you remember, this is no small feat.

When I came to you I found it impossible to raise my arm above my shoulder. At a certain point it just stopped and the pain was very sharp. Extending it was also very painful, even to reach out to open my car door. The condition had persisted for over a year and resisted all help. Many physical therapy sessions had done nothing for it at all.

The Hellerwork you performed produced a positive change in the first session and subsequent sessions got varying degrees of improvement. Some of what you did was itself painful but results of each set of strokes almost always proved fruitful right then and there. Full range of motion is now about 85% restored and the many small acts I had avoided because of the pain are now easeful for me.

I also appreciated the fact that you scheduled sessions to accommodate my schedule. If I meet anyone else with a similar condition I will certainly refer them on to you.

Yours truly,
Lorenz Pohlmeier

The shoulder pain was gone and it never came back.

Dear Howard:

From one Therapist to another, I am very pleased with the results that you gave me on my frozen shoulder. I came to see you last December 06 and I could barely move my shoulder. You worked on my shoulder and in only one session, you had my shoulder moving like it was prior to my injury. Since that time, I haven't had a real problem with it, unless it is too cold then it just aches in the joints a little but I can still move it.

I am very pleased with your work and techniques. I use these in my practice on my clients.

There is much more that you know and aren't able to teach in class because it would take more than a weekend to pick your brains. I have learned other techniques from you that you aren't able to teach in class because it would take more than a weekend. I also take these to my table and had some great results.

Thank you again.

Rachel Mashni CMT
Redford/Canton, Michigan

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal
phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal