Myofascial Release Massage: Easy To Learn. Immediate Results.





Hey Howard, hope you are doing well. Paul Miller here. I took your first class with you and just took the second class with Krissy at Nvstm. I am glad you came to your senses and are coming to the part 3 class here in the fall. Looking forward to seeing you. I am hoping to get enough practice and study in by then to take the certification test. Do you sell any T-shirts with your logo on them? If so I would buy one. I am really enjoying this work and I am glad I found it. I just finished massage school this past January and your classes really have helped me develop as a practitioner. The intimacy exercise helped me get over some of my fears and the work has greatly improved my confidence in being able to help clients. I really appreciate you and Krissy. If you ever need a TA, I would be interested. Have a great day.

Howard -

I do almost exclusively the myofascial work I learned from you.

In terms of success stories, I have these:

One client, Rick Q., 67, had a career as a public utility lineman prior to retiring to the north country of NH. For the last 20 years he had been unable to lift his right arm over his head, experiencing a severe restriction in his shoulder. He'd had PT, x-rays and scans over the years that were inconclusive. He did not want rotator cuff surgery and so just decided to live with it (the restriction). We were fellow volunteers when we met and I expounded on myofascial release massage, sometimes ad nauseum. Eventually he decided to come to me for work. In the 3rd session of my doing full body myofascial release massage on him, I was working his shoulders and all of a sudden both of us heard a ripping sound, like velcro coming apart, from his upper right arm. He had no pain but the sound was unnerving to him. At the session's conclusion, he was able, for the first time in 20 years, to lift his arm over his head. For weeks afterward, every time he saw me he would raise his right arm over his head wave and smile. It's been well over 9 months since that session and he is still able to lift his arm overhead without restriction.

Michele G. , 45, an occupational therapist in the local school system, came to me as a result of my wife and I meeting her and her then husband by accident in a bar/restaurant in Bethlehem, NH. We struck up a conversation, finding out that the disability organization I was volunteering for had her as a member of its board of directors. I explained MRM to her and she said she'd give me a try. About a month later, she came to see me for a full body MRM. At the sessions completion, she said she felt lighter, centered and energized. She later told me that for a solid week after the massage she experienced an incredible amount of energy, a feeling of buoyancy, clarity of mind, and centeredness that she'd never felt before. An avid mountain hiker, she finds hiking much easier, less taxing and with much less difficulty breathing from the exertion.

Maurice F. is a 53 year old friend who is an avid bicyclist. He annually bikes up to the top of Mt. Washington (6288 ft) on the auto road for charity. Two years ago, about a week prior to his annual bike ride up the tallest mountain in the northeast, I gave him a full body MRM. He said afterwards that his breathing was so much less taxing than ever before and that his shoulders, back, forearms, and hands did not ache him at all after the ride. In preparation for a multi-day ride, just about a week prior, I gave him a FB MRM. He told me later that it was the easiest time he'd ever had doing that 3 day, 200 mile ride. His legs felt fresh at the end of each day and he had no stiffness or soreness in his body.

Sally P., 64, is a hairdresser. She finds her hands tired, sore and stiff after a day's work, even though she's now semi-retired and only works 2 days a week. A friend, I give her the myofascial work on her fingers, hands, forearms, biceps and triceps. The work relieves her of the pain she'd previously felt and her hands, she says, feel relaxed and loose.

Just this past week I had 2 new clients, husband & wife in their mid 50's, to whom I gave a full body myofascial release massage. Both exclaimed having easier breathing, better posture and a feeling of centeredness to them. The wife sings in a choir and she told me today she was pleasantly surprised to find her singing to be so much more easily accomplished. She felt like she had much greater lung capacity.

I've had other clients tell me of the benefits they'd derived from the MRM; in fairness, I've had several people for whom the massage seemed to make no difference. I guess you can't win them all.

I have several clients who use my work as an adjunct to their using a chiropractor.

Oddly, at least to me, I've had more than one person fall asleep on the massage table while I was giving them an MRM. It always surprises me when that happens as I preface the work by saying that much of what I do will be relaxing for them after I'm done.

Anyway, I found Tom Myer's Anatomy Trains to be helpful to me in terms of movement analysis and getting a fuller awareness of the relationship of the body to itself. I now have a better understanding of why when there's a pain in one's neck it may be related to something going on in their lower leg or foot.

I have added trigger point work to my massage base. I've been studying trigger points now for several years and find it to be an excellent companion to the myofascial work.

I can't thank you enough for teaching me this modality. It has made my massage work so much more effective and has given me a reputation in the community as a healer. Not all people like the work, finding it too intense, but for those who do, I have been able to effect some really dramatic and seemingly permanent changes.


I had a lady from 2 hours away that would come once a month to receive this work in particular because she found the benefits of it far outweighed any regular massages she had ever had in the past and no one in her area knew this kind of work. She was recovering from cancer and because of the treatments, she somehow developed a drag in her one leg that would cause her to trip and even fall down several flights of stairs. I worked on her only two times with MRM and the drag completely went away and has not tripped or fell in over a year and she contributes this all to this wonderful new work she discovered, thanks to Howard!!!

Hope that will work! I love taking these classes! It starts a fire under me again and gets me excited to work on people and change their lives! Looking forward to MRM part 4!! I will probably ride along with crystal in january when she takes the test so I will most likely see you then! Thanks again for a fun and informative weekend!!!

Richelle Garman

Hi Howard:

I finally had an opportunity to practice some of the strokes that you taught us over the weekend at Massage Envy. My first client just wanted a relaxing massage and medium pressure. She said just do the same thing as before, I liked it. I actually gave her a medium/firm pressure. So, I said to her while massaging her trapezius (using the myofascial release method), "I'm going to try a few different strokes today that I learned over the weekend." On the upper body, I performed at least seven of the strokes. When she was face up, I noticed that she couldn't turn her head even though she didn't complain about it. While I was using the strokes she said that her upper body was much looser. When I was finished, she could rotate her head fully on one side, the other, almost 3/4 of the way. She was very impressed with the technique and asked for a 90 minute session the next month. What a difference a three day intensive session makes.

I practiced different strokes on several other clients. One was experiencing pain in her lats. I noticed that her ql was very tight. So I turned her on her side and did the strokes. I didn't spend much time like I usually would following a routine to massage her entire back. I worked on her erectors that were tight, particularly in the lumbar area. When I finished with her, she said the pain was gone yet it had been hurting all night. I was so happy that I could make the pain go away.

I need to practice the breathing technique, but if I do several techniques a day while they are fresh in my mind I think that I will master them. Thanks so much for a great course and I will keep you posted.

Angie Purnell

Hi Howard,

Thank you for all of the great Myofascial Release classes. I've used the techniques this week that I learned last weekend at the Myofascial Release Advanced III. One client said it was the best massage that she has ever had, and she has had many. Another client came to me with a unique and painful hip issue that I would have had a problem resolving without the techniques that we learned in MFR III. MFR has enabled me, a male practioner, to separate myself from many of the 5000 female LMT's in Massachusetts. In my 6 years of practice in SE MA, I have yet to meet a therapist or client who has experienced MFR. This technique is responsible for the two new MT positions that I now have, one being my own business, the other being employed in a very high end, luxurious setting with a very large clientele base, surrounded by wonderfully supportive associates. I can’t thank you enough for bringing and sharing your knowledge to us.

I have had so much success in using the myofascial treatment, it's unbelievable! People are forming lines at my door! This work has made a huge impact on my life, as well as in the lives of all people I try to help in managing and relieving their pain!

Just thought I'd share the immense impact and positive outcome your work has achieved in such a short time in so many different ways! Wish there was a way of taking the lower extremity class!

All my best,

Amanda Potgieter

Hi Howard,

I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to give some feedback since I took the upper extremity class.


Jim Tebeau

Hi Amy,

Thanks so much for staying in touch. And thanks for the good word. Any "miracles" to share?


Yes, of course!

Most recent was a 65 plus year old woman, usually very active and frustrated by limited mobility. I worked quads, hams, adductors and periformis. When she got up off the table, she lifted her leg and exclaimed "I haven't been able to lift this leg for months!"

Oh, more recently. . . today my farrier came for me to perform my half of our barter. Her shoulders were immobile. I did the standard upper body protocol without the seated work and with extra scapula work as well as modifying what you've taught us to include the serratus group. She had to rush out, but was exclaiming that her shoulders were finally free and sent a text asking where I'd been all her life, declaring this work to be 'Amazing'.

And. . . that 14 year old dog I practiced on after our first class? He's still moving freely enough to avoid euthenasia and can even scratch his own ears now, much to his delight.

Amy Delventhal

Hello Howard,

Hope all is well! Thank you again for that amazing class last week! I just wanted to write you because I've been incorporating more and more of MFR Massage with open minded clients.

In the past week I've seen a client who has scoliosis with a curvature which deviates to the right. The ab work did wonders for her discomfort. I also worked her legs and of course hip flexors to alleviate pain. After the session she compared the work to Rolfing and noticed a huge improvement.

I also saw a woman who is a first mate on a yacht. She came in twice, one 60 minute session and the second a 2 hour session. The 2 hour session gave me time to do the majority of the techniques learned from both classes. She too was amazed at the abdominal and hip flexor work. It made her realize how tight her hips and legs were. Along with that her back and neck pain which she had me work on initially had practically vanished.

Another client who I haven't seen in 2 months finally came in and she had a very tight neck with limited range of movement. Halfway through the 90 minute session she was able to turn over without any trouble as well as breathe deeper than she has in 3 weeks. When I asked her to lift her head like she was performing a crunch she lifted it with no issue and completely surprised.

I believe that what we do is validated specifically after 1 leg is worked on. The clients notice a huge difference between the 2 legs. Yes, I get excited as well! Of course I don't show it!

I'm truly begining to enjoy the treatments more and more. Initially I say I will do a customized session with a few MFR "moves". One becomes 10 in no time.

Thats all for now. My wife is surprised that I've written so much. Have a fantastic weekend!



PS- does this make us Fasciast?

Hi Howard,

Just got home from work and I had a client who plays piano and sings for a living. She said her neck, shoulders, back, and arms were pretty sore, so I explained about MFR, what we could do and how the session would run.

She said great so we started the work. As I started working she commented on how great the work started to feel so I explained how I had taken a class this past weekendand was implementing some of what I learned.

When I got to her hands and fingers, I had her wiggle them before we worked to see how they felt and then again after the work, she couldn't believe how good they felt.She started laughing and said that she does that when she gets really relaxed. I also did the neck traction, which I nailed on the first shot and she was estatic about it!

During the session I was explaining about my experience with the rib cage and abdominal work and how much better I could breath and how open I felt. She immediately asked if we could do that work in the next session cause she was defintely coming back to me.

The cool part about this is I only had one booking for the day, I was getting ready to leave when I was asked if I would stay and work on a member that had just walked in hoping for an appt. I said sure.

When I checked in with her the second time about the work and to make sure the pressure was ok she said that the universe must have brought us together cause the work felt so great and couldn't believe how good she was starting to feel. She also explained that she was going to only do a half hour session but decided on and hour and was glad she did that. She asked if I did 90 mins also.

When she came out of session she was laughing and said how great she felt (loose, open, better ROM) and that I did awesome work and was gonna try and book an appt with me next Monday.

I just wanted to thank you for a great class, and the experience I will gain with each massage will be priceless! I also texted your TA right away and let her know. I told her I felt like busting out of my skin I was so excited! She was very proud and excited for me! You guys both ROCK and I wanted to thank you so much for the new tool!

Hoping part 2 works out in Oct, and will hopefully have great new experiences to share! Thanks again!



Thank you for sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm with us last weekend. I must honestly say that this was the best workshop I have ever attended and the information that I gained has already been put to use helping manage the pain in my clients. I am so excited to have a pallat of new strokes and techniques to utilize daily.

Count me in for Part II, the lower body April 20-23. I cannot imagine anything that would keep me away from that workshop. Thank you for listening to our requests to move the date up as I too did not want to wait until next fall to learn this valuable information.

Please do enjoy your holiday season and wishing you and your family a joyous and prosperous new year.

Namaste and Regards,
Sue Hriczo, CTRS, NCTMB

Having been in practice for ten years I have taken many classes to improve and advance my work over the years. Howard's Myofascial class is an absolute inspiration for any Massage Therapist who is looking to advance their work.

I have experienced wonderful results in clients with postural problems such as kyphosis, chronic low back and neck tension and restricted range of motion. If you are looking for a technique to make a difference in your bodywork take this class.

Christina Draber

Hi Howard,

I wanted to thank you for being such a good friend and mentor for the past ten years. When I took your course back in 2001 I had no idea what a positive impact it would have on my career. rom the most basic principle (think globally and you'll get everything) to the advanced techniques you teach, I have used something I learned from you in every massage I've given since taking your course. That's literally thousands of massages.

I am now working at a very prestigious social club in Boston, MA. There is no question in my mind that the skills I have developed while using your teachings opened the doors to this wonderful opportunity. I was referred to the club by a client whose low back pain went away after I applied your teachings during his massage.

Thanks again, for everything
Jack Fisher, LMT/FOH (Friend of Howard's)

Hi Howard,

I have some awesome stories!! I hosted a wellness Clinic at my place of employment and gave demos on myofascial release. I had two clients sign up that night and they have already seen me 3 times each.

One client called two days later to say that the numbing in her arm had disappeared completely for 24 hours. She had had that numbness for over a year! The other client had shoulder issues and she has since not felt any pain. I also have a client with MS and he is absolutely in love with the work. He is having less pain.

Another Client who is a LMT had not had such a release in her upper body for years....and she was seeing an acupuncturist for a year or so. So I am very excited to offer more of this work as it has proven to work immediately and also has brought me great success financially. I love educating my clients with new and different ideas about looking at pain.

Kristen Tammaro / LMT

WHAT A BLAST - Thank you, Howard, for another unbelievably positive experience at this weekend's Myofascial Release Massage Part 2 workshop. While I've already worked for years as a successful fascial practitioner, I continue to expand my understanding and hone my skills because of your training.

You are a gifted and generous teacher on many levels; it is a pleasure to be in your classes. I continue to admire your clarity and openness. Really, I'm blown away by the apparent ease with which you run such a well-orchestrated workshop. And your manuals are excellent! (I would expect to pay additional for the quality of teaching materials that you include in the tuition price.)

Well, I awaited Part 2 with great anticipation, and my expectations were far exceeded. So my enthusiasm about Myofascial Release Massage continues to grow, and now I'm eager for Part 3.

With respect and gratitude,
Pat Christopherson

Dear Howard,

First and foremost I want to thank you so very much for an absolutely amazing weekend. I walked away from the weekend absolutely energized and full of excitement. Many aspects you covered touched my life in so many ways. I'm only sad because I have to wait until September for Part II.

I started some of the work on Monday....and below is the email I received from my client the very next morning. I have to admit I haven't received an email like this in quite some time! I know I did the work, but you gave me the tools and for that I am so very thankful. I wish I could do more to show you my appreciation. I'm so excited to grow with these techniques, but even more excited to help more and more people who are in pain.

I look forward to seeing you again in September!

With much appreciation...

Hi Marianne,
Just want to let you know that last night was the first night in a long time that my hands did not fall asleep when sleeping. Whatever you did with that massage was wonderful. If I got good results with just one massage, I can’t wait for more. Thank you so much!
I look forward to seeing you again on Sunday!


Hello Howard,

Thank you so much Howard for sharing your talents and instruction. I' ve been using the Myofascial Release techniques I learned since the first class with dramatic and remarkable results. Furthermore, these techniques haved shaped my approach to bodywork and I recommend other collegues to add this knowlege as a valuable asset.

More than a few people have come to a session with little to no range of motion in the head and neck. One in particular had to be driven to the massage center because of their inability to move their head.

Through use of the myofascial release strokes from the first class pertaining to the upperbody, I was able to facillitate significant changes which allowed the client to walk away from the session with complete range of motion in the cervical spine!

One of the clients I've worked with asked me to focus on an ankle sprain he had for over 40 years and it had always given him mild discomfort, especially taking stairs. Before our 4th session the client thanked me saying I had "saved him thousands of dollars in medical bills!" He had planned to have foot surgery before moving for retirement. After a week of pain free movement he no longer felt surgery was required.

I'm happy to say these type of stories have become more of a constant reality for me. Thank you so much Howard. Hope to see you in January.

Joey DeLeon

Good Morning Howard,

I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how excited I've been all week to be able to use the myofacial release techniques starting with my first client Monday morning. I love the way you teach. I felt confident when I left on Sunday that I not only knew how to use these techniques but why and what they could do for my clients.

Thanks so much Howard. I look forward to seeing you in December.

Karen Bean

hello howard,

my name is shanna beavers . i was involved in one of your 3 day courses at bancroft school of massage. i just want to let you know how impressed i am with the work. ive been using it with wonderful results on all my clients. they cant wait until i learn more.

i was curious to know when the myofacial release 2 and 3 will be and where. i lost the place and dates but definately want to go where ever they may be. hope all is well and that your move went smoothly.

thanks again


I hope that's what you were looking for... I tell you I love using the Hellerwork myofascial approach... it gives me great results with my clients and is truly amazing. I have been to other fascial workshops, non compare to yours!

I look forward to the lower extremity workshop in the fall...

One other question, there is a MT that also provides your workshops in NC... is it possible to attend one of his lower extremity workshops and receive the credit toward the certification? ( my parents live in NC) just a thought?

Talk to you soon

General testimonial letter

General testimonial letter


Unbelievable to learn that just this day..someone actually is willing and waiting to quit her job and become a myofascial release practitioner...!! For real!!

Also, must add to my notation that the man whom I meantioned to you that was a multi-millionaire and had lost his dearest wife a year back came to have his session this morning and while giving the myofascial release..he fell into a deep sleep and afterwords said that he "felt like a million" and scheduled more treatments....

He said that the treatments are making him dream of all the wonderful times he shared with his Marie..and that he has found a new love in his life with his two children that have children...he has a full circle connection now and his family has responded back!!! At this time in our lives..this is the real reward!!! 9:00 I have another treatment on a farmer that has never felt this "healthy" since he was a kid of 17. He said that "whatever I did for him has made him of 54yrs old feel like he could work for 12 hours without a second wind"...I am soo happy to assist in what you've led us all to find. People are whole every facet of what life should become....I could truly just cry over this discovery...this is what life should be.

Thank you for this and so much more,

Time and Money Well Spent
by James C. Dahler, LMT

When I first graduated from massage school in 1997, I felt that the only thing I truly understood was how very little I actually knew about massage. I guess that while I felt in command of the techniques that I had learned in school, there still remained a lion's share of techniques about which I hadn't a clue.

To combat my feelings of inadequacy, I made a resolution to continue my education by attending as many seminars as my schedule and my budget would allow.

My first couple of experiences with massage-related seminars were fairly disappointing. After each, I drove home not exactly sure what I would tell my wife it was that I had gotten for the money I had spent.

At each seminar, students who expressed concerns that they weren't "getting it" were assured that the skills being taught depended in large part upon the innate ability of the practitioner to sense subtle nuances in his or her client. Results and confidence would come with practice.

That very well could be an accurate statement about any new technique learned, but for someone struggling to put some faith in their abilities, that kind of statement could be taken as an implication that if a student isn't "getting it" it may be because he or she hasn't "got it" to begin with. That sort of puts pressure on the student to start seeing results, whether they be real or imagined.

These experiences left me feeling as though I might just have purchased new brand of snake oil. Nice package, little content.

For a while after those first couple of seminars, I convinced myself I was always too busy or too broke to even bother looking at the seminar announcements that I was getting in the mail. It finally took hitting the limits of my abilities to help a couple of my chronic pain clients to make me realize that people needed me to honor that resolution I had made to continue my education.

My job was to find the things that would help the people that needed it, and if it took buying a few gallons of snake oil to find the things that were truly helpful, that would just have to a part of the price paid.

I truly feel as though I struck gold when I attended Howard Rontal's Myofascial Release series on the upper and lower body. His instructional methods are focused and clear. The techniques are simple and easy to learn.

Students have the opportunity to witness the instructor performing the techniques upon a volunteer, while he explains in great detail the actual mechanics of that particular technique. Before and after observations of the subjects, along with a description of how the technique made them feel, gives immediate, tangible and often astonishing proof that the techniques are effective.

Students are then required to pair off with different partners for each phase of instruction, which gives the students needed practice in dealing with people of differing physical and emotional make-ups. Students then get to trade giving and receiving the techniques with each other as the instructor circulates through the room. He will advise, correct, answer questions and demonstrate again, if need be.

Backing all of this up is a manual that completely describes each of the techniques taught in such a well-written manner that a "refresher course" is never more that a brief read-through away. I drove home each evening of these weekend seminars excited about what I had learned and eager to return for more.

Taking these newly-learned techniques back to my practice allowed me to accomplish more with some people in a single session than I had been able to previously during months of weekly sessions before I took these seminars. Even casual, infrequent clients commented on the positive changes they noticed in my techniques.

These days, I seldom perform a massage without incorporating things I learned at these seminars. I often encourage other therapists, particularly those with limited time and money (who really need to make their seminar hours and dollars count) to attend Howard Rontal's Myofascial Release Seminars.

Hi Howard,

Hey, I think about you every massage. I use MRM every massage and having regular clients request the treatment. Definitely the most valuable clinic I have taken.

Hope all is well with you.
Take care

I attended Howard Rontal's course of Myofacial Release Technique in the fall of last year in order to satisfy my educational requirements set forth by the American Massage Therapy Association. Having procrastinated until the last minute, I registered for this course because it was the only course being offered that would meet my scheduling limitations.

What a great surprise it was! This was the best course that I have attended since my graduation in 1994. I have been able to incorporate Mr. Rontal's techniques into my everyday massage therapy routine. It has been very well accepted by my clients, and has increased the amount of relief that I can provide for each and every client.

I would highly recommend this course to every practicing massage therapist and every student who would like to be a great massage therapist.

Scott French, C.M.T. A.M.T.A. member since 1993

General testimonial letter

Dear Howard,

What can one say after such a marvelous feast? The desert was the best in learning so much at once on the emotional aspect of the human anatomy!!! I have sooo many more questions and I am now coming to an understanding that this study is an endless journey.

After the meloncholy ending for us all...I soon arrived home to write a 23 page business plan..and then late my daughter comes over and wants to talk about my weekend. She is identical to me in every way and sadly, has her momma's self-effacement problems as well. So, I worked on her feet and chest and arms. She is a hard worker and a cosmetologist..on her feet and bending and lifting akwardly each day...on feet for up to 12 hrs at times...poor little dear.

So, she bore the pain and we went through the motions. Then she stood up and had such surprise on her face. Like the day I took her to the zoo and she saw panda bears for the first time in her life. She sooo hugged me and wants more treatments..said that she hadn't felt her breathing and the lump in her heart go away like that before.

I also gave that older, wealthy gentlemen a two hour tour on myofascial this a.m. and he said that he feels like a young man again!! He's 71 and admitted that he didn't feel this way when he was 21!!! He is now dating some older women for just a sports game and dinner and feels so youthful..he looked in my mirror before leaving the house and declared that he has grown about two more inches..he was all smiles and he bounced down the sidewalk to his caddy...and off he went as I waved and it looked to me that his car even bounced with him in rhythm.

I just went outside and caught a glimpse of the little dipper constallation.

When I left your workshop on Sunday evening...the experience I felt all of those days just welled up inside if my heart would flood over. To come home and apply the work and see others so happy was exactly what I needed. This work completes me...and my little dipper is shining again. You have been most kind,,,thank you for all you did for us.

the grasshopper,
rhonda m.

I was lucky enough to be able to have taken both the upper body and the lower body seminars with Howard when he offered them at the GWIM in Burke a couple of years ago... he is a very personable, approachable and professional teacher and I learned so much from his courses that I have incorporated into my massage work.

Pat Faramarzi

General testimonial letter

Hi there Howard. This is Jenna Hendershot.

I attended your seminars earlier this year at OCM. First off, I would like to thank you again for the opportunity. I must say those two weekends were life changing for me. After I attended your seminars I really began to look into my own life a little better. I visited with Jim Bubbi about a month ago. We went over some of my techniques and what I felt shaky on and he gave me alot of advice. I realized I haven't been giving my all into something that I truly love.

I went on a ten day fasting program and I did alot of meditation and praying. I have began to ground myself a bit more, and in September I am planning on a trip to San Francisco to have a visit with a school called The World School of Massage and Holistic Health. I have plans on becoming a Holistic Health Practitioner, but I would like to take Hellerwork with me as well.

I would like to get the chance to participate in the certification tests in June. I know before I was slacking, however I've picked up the reins and began to run. I wanted to make sure that I was eligible to sit for the test, and if not what do I need to do in order to be there.

Never in my life have I wanted something so bad. I understand it will be hard and the pay off for my work will be beneficial one day. I only hope that one day I can be as happy and succesful as you are. I know that I will never stop learning in this field and I know it's so rewarding. I also know that it's going to take alot of faith to get me through this. I'm ready to try. It's time for me to step up to my challanges and jump into what I love head first.

Thank you again for the wonderful life changing experience, Howard.

Jenna Hendershot

Hello Howard!

I wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed you Myofascial I & II senimars at OCM. I'm currently a senior in their program and I'm almost ready to graduate! Not only did I take your seminar for the credit hour requirements but also because everyone I asked about it said it was incredible. And gee, what an understatement!

I not only see tremendous results from the work but the confidence I gained through your style of teaching and encouragement throughtout the seminar is something I'll treasure and remember during my career as an LMT. Once again, thank you for everything! If you ever need a helping hand in the Ohio area, I'd love to offer mine!

Jill M. Perline
Cortland, Ohio

General testimonial letter

Dear Howard,

I received a lovely tea set from a client that I have had for a while and that I had recently given a myofascial treatment to. The gift was an antique, one of a kind 6piece set. I thanked her very kindly and immediately placed it in my china closet thinking,"I'll never use this but it's nice to store away." Then, after getting up this early am to put my usual large pot of Jewish penicilin on to brew and make 6 loaves of organic bread for the elderly and sick in my area....I kept finding my eyes glancing over at that tea set.

What a foolish decision it is to keep treasures and never use them in life. The same is so true of the treasure you've wrapped up so nicely and given to our class. And as treasures go, sometimes we can find it...but, more often than not..we dig and dig and never seek a single pearl. This "miracle" bounty has helped already many of the people I used to do general massage on..and a few newer clients that I just offered to help.

No one has said anything under that, "This is amazing!" "Awsome!" "Unbelievable" etc..etc..etc...yeah better than inn "the king and I." I was in Poaris area of Columbus and went for ice cream at the "stone cold" and the young guy was trying his best to scoop out ice cream to all of us screamers and I noticed he winced and asked him how his wrists were doing??? He said he was only 18yrs old and already needing to see his doctor again because of carpal tunnel issues...

I privately said that I have learned of a treatment that might help and asked him if he could deliver my order last and come to my table for the hand and arm myofascial treatment? He did and his boss didn't care because he too wanted a treatment. The kid's eyes rolled back in his head and a great big smile came forth!! He told me that he has had pain each and every day for the whole summer into fall and it was gone?

I also have an off and on client that is unemployed and used to do harness wiring for a company connected to Delphi....she has worked there for over 12 yrs and has bound up her shoulders, arms and hands...pain galore. I offered for her to come for two hours at my home and worked long on her....she was simply sooo grateful as her company just called her back this week and she was feeling helpless but needed to work without the boost. The treatment gave her back the boost and more....she was actually a happy gal and said that depression has left her. I gave her the treatment at no cost because the payback was written all over her face.

Another women whose job is a pressured position at a local bank in upper management. She had a three hour treatment because I was slower and more hard on her...her request...she is a chain smoker and will be 40 in Jan. so much mender in her muscle system and emotional nature...I will write more on her at a better time..but she wants to write you a note which I'll share next class time. I took before and after pictures of the last two to show the difference myo makes!!

Today, after my deliveries and church I am scheduled to work on a truckdriver, farmer...I just know that this too will be wonderful! Treasures are rare to find...and even better when used and shared. I am planning a tea party for 80 to 90 yr let you know that I will never again let something lay in a closet.

Thank you many times over,
Rhonda the grasshopper

Hi Howard,

Thanks for the call. I am happy to achieved my certification.

As I had said, the bulk of the massages I give I use Myofascial Release Massage. Everything else, Swedish, Hot Rocks, Active Isolated Stretching, is support based. Just the other day I gave an 85 year old woman MRM on her hands, making her happy and surprise to be able to close and open her hands. I do not know why the elderly believe there bodies are to be rigid. I treat a man in his 60's who has been athletic since his teens and never stretch in his entire life till he started seeing me.

His body was rock hard with cords for muscles. With MRM I get him mobile and flexible and with AIS he maintains my work. It is a slow process since I have to work with all his injuries he has suffered through the years, as well as wait for him to believe in stretching incorporating a whole lifestyle change in his mind. [:-]] I am proud to say it is happening, in baby steps.

The TMJ type work you did on me I could really use, another woman in her 50's came to me for a Swedish Massage, that turned into a MRM. I was not able to get all the tension out of the neck area, though she was happy with my work and schedule another session. So, let me know when your advance class reaches Bancroft.

Oh, I am still feeling great after your work on me, though the right rib bothers me now and then. Tomorrow I will begin taking yoga again. [:-]]

Thank you,

Janet E Hellweg, Mass LNCMT
LightPath Massage Therapy

Dear Howard,

I just wanted to thank you for teaching the MRM Upper Body class at AKS last weekend. It was extraordinarily well organized and clearly presented, and I am thrilled to have so many effective new strokes to use.

Thank you for the wealth of knowledge and experience that you shared. I think I'll incorporate strokes gradually into my sessions until I can do the whole routine without consulting the manual. I plan on practicing a lot and already have some volunteer bodies.

My back feels longer and my shoulders broader since the class. Today at yoga my shoulders and neck were noticeably more open and relaxed, and my lower back felt more flexible.

I forgot to put on my evaluation that Tracey is a fabulous assistant. She was very attentive and helpful to everyone while always keeping "the big picture" in mind. I was amazed to discover she has been doing MRM for only a year.

I liked your teaching style a lot — very focused but also relaxed and amenable. I think the combination helped us absorb a tremendous amount of information in a relatively short time. I'm looking forward to the Lower Body class in June.

I will be in contact soon to schedule a session with you, probably not so much for the migraine issue as for neck, shouder, and hip release. If the migraines go into remission, so much the better. If not, I'll still feel happier in my body.

All the best,

Dear Howard,

After taking both of your Myofascial I and II courses, I not only feel like a different person, physically; but your unique 'high IQ/ high EQ' perspective on bodywork has inspired me to be a better person, emotionally.

My education from you has professionally manifested in long-term clients with better posture and senses of well-being.

Thank you for acknowledging your teacher/healer calling, Howard.

Laura Pillarella

General testimonial letter


I heard that your wkshp at BSMT was a grand success! Excellent! Ernie Ezersky loved everything about it and talked about it in one of our staff meetings. Way to go!


I took the MFR class offered in Va Beach with Scott and was able to put the techniques to work with immediate results. Every benefit that I experienced with the work so did my clients. Thank you so much for sharing your modality. I look forward to future classes.


Dear Howard,

I want to tell you again how much I liked your class and how useful it was for me. After a week, I've used it extensively, both in practice sessions with fellow massage therapists to get a sense of the flow of the whole sequence, and with clients for area releases.

"I feel looser. I can move better." These are the main responses so far. Is there a better way to get at supraspinatus with very small boned, thin women? I've worked with three of them this week and my fist won't go through easily. The heel of my palm works better but the turning is awkward.

I wait with great anticipation for your phone call about an appointment with you for a MFR Massage. I already need it!

Thanks again for teaching us from your heart.
Lorraine Richey

General testimonial letter

Hi Howard:
Thanks so much for the great continuing ed. courses, Myofascial Release Massage, lower and upper body! I'm so glad that I have now taken both segments of this wonderful work. Of all of the CEU's that I have taken, I find MRM the most useful! It is simple, and so effective. My clients love it and so do I.

Thank you again,
Kelly Blair, CMT
Ashburn, VA.

General testimonial letter

Hey Howard,

What a great experience taking your workshop this weekend was! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I wanted to share some results from clients I have worked on before I took your workshop and after.

This AM:

Client 1: I feel a lot more range of motion and also a lot more blood flow. Relaxation in some of the muscles that were tight that I never felt before.

Client 2: Hard to explain difference, but there is a difference. All good!. Seemed a lot more painful, but afterwards it felt looser in areas I had not felt loose before. I left happy.

Client 3: Felt more opened and stretched, more range of motion, more blood flow.

This PM:

Client 1: I feel a much better release, stretch. What a great difference.

Client 2: It was very relaxing, I think it loosened me up more now than before plus it doesn't take long to feel the difference.

Client 3: I was energized and relaxed more. More circulation.

Howard, the chiropractor I work for on Mondays said "okay, after all of these fabulous reviews from the clients, I want to experience what you are doing." Can't get any better than that except for a raise:) All felt they benefited from me going to the workshop. I know, practice, practice, practice!

Bless you,

Karen Kovalcik, LMT
Ohio Injury Center
61 West Aurora Road,
Northfield, Ohio 44067

I attended Howard Rontal's course of Myofacial Massage in the fall of last year. I registered for this course after my phone conversations with one of the instructors and with Mr. Rontal.

Mr. Rontal's background and years of experience working with Structural Integration gives him the knowledge and ease to teach Myofascial Massage. Most of the bodywork that I now do is based on his teachings. It has made my work easier, more productive and I am eager to learn more about this form of bodywork.

My clients had very little resistance receiving this work and some were happy not to have oil on their body. Myofascial Massage has increased the amount of support I can provide for each and every client.

I highly recommend this course to all practicing massage therapists who desire to add myofascial work to their tool kit.

Antonio Moreano, MT

Dearest Howard Rontal

It is with excitement to express my contentment with the broad knowledge you provided during phase 1 of your Mayofacial Realease workshop.

Very enthusiastically done with cheap off stage humor but never the less but found it delightful fun and informative. < You Rock Howard! >

Tracey and Jack at your side were very pleasant as well and supportive through entire class. Your seminar is definitely a sharpening tool to my skill of neuromuscular, sport massage and deep tissue techniques. I already did my first client this morning with Myofacial Realease during a neuromuscular session on my regular costumer. Success was more eminent with enthusiastic comments.

Thanks to you Howard your concept is San Frantastic and can't wait to explore more of it! Hope to hear from you from time to time have a great Spring Season.

With Love Compassion Gratitude

Intimately yours,
James Lee
Licensed Massage Therapist 413-330-8063

a year ago i spoke with mr. rontal from pondicherry, india, where i was living at the time, and i was immediately convinced that i he would be my teacher and that i would endevour to learn this beautiful work, and moreover, try to get certified.

i had done a course in energetic shiatsu, ayurvedic, and lomi lomi massages, and had been introduced to fascial release by a masseur friend who had just begun experimenting with the work. i immediately felt a connection with it, as the results were pretty good considering the short sessions that we practiced.

i was lucky to be able to do both the upper and lower body modules with mr. howard and scott dobbins, in june and july 2012, and in september 2012 do the advanced course and take the exam and get certified.

i moved to mumbai, my hometown, back with my family, last march, and continue to have clients coming who are regular and if i may say so, very happy to come back.

mr. rontal is one of the most patient and encouraging teachers that i have ever had the honour of learning from. he continues to be in touch and is always a stable, solid and loving presence, not to mention his impeccable teaching style, experience and expertise in this work. moreover, all the work has been highly refined and yields fantastic results to whomsever i have worked with.

i highly recommend getting certified. release your fascia, release the fascia of others, and get a career and a fulfilling practice and life!

thank you howard for all that, and more!

rishad suntook

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244
© Howard Rontal


Hey Howard, hope you are doing well. Paul Miller here. I took your first class with you and just took the second class with Krissy at Nvstm. I am glad you came to your senses and are coming to the part 3 class here in the fall. Looking forward to seeing you. I am hoping to get enough practice and study in by then to take the certification test. Do you sell any T-shirts with your logo on them? If so I would buy one. I am really enjoying this work and I am glad I found it. I just finished massage school this past January and your classes really have helped me develop as a practitioner. The intimacy exercise helped me get over some of my fears and the work has greatly improved my confidence in being able to help clients. I really appreciate you and Krissy. If you ever need a TA, I would be interested. Have a great day.

Howard -

I do almost exclusively the myofascial work I learned from you.

In terms of success stories, I have these:

One client, Rick Q., 67, had a career as a public utility lineman prior to retiring to the north country of NH. For the last 20 years he had been unable to lift his right arm over his head, experiencing a severe restriction in his shoulder. He'd had PT, x-rays and scans over the years that were inconclusive. He did not want rotator cuff surgery and so just decided to live with it (the restriction). We were fellow volunteers when we met and I expounded on myofascial release massage, sometimes ad nauseum. Eventually he decided to come to me for work. In the 3rd session of my doing full body myofascial release massage on him, I was working his shoulders and all of a sudden both of us heard a ripping sound, like velcro coming apart, from his upper right arm. He had no pain but the sound was unnerving to him. At the session's conclusion, he was able, for the first time in 20 years, to lift his arm over his head. For weeks afterward, every time he saw me he would raise his right arm over his head wave and smile. It's been well over 9 months since that session and he is still able to lift his arm overhead without restriction.

Michele G. , 45, an occupational therapist in the local school system, came to me as a result of my wife and I meeting her and her then husband by accident in a bar/restaurant in Bethlehem, NH. We struck up a conversation, finding out that the disability organization I was volunteering for had her as a member of its board of directors. I explained MRM to her and she said she'd give me a try. About a month later, she came to see me for a full body MRM. At the sessions completion, she said she felt lighter, centered and energized. She later told me that for a solid week after the massage she experienced an incredible amount of energy, a feeling of buoyancy, clarity of mind, and centeredness that she'd never felt before. An avid mountain hiker, she finds hiking much easier, less taxing and with much less difficulty breathing from the exertion.

Maurice F. is a 53 year old friend who is an avid bicyclist. He annually bikes up to the top of Mt. Washington (6288 ft) on the auto road for charity. Two years ago, about a week prior to his annual bike ride up the tallest mountain in the northeast, I gave him a full body MRM. He said afterwards that his breathing was so much less taxing than ever before and that his shoulders, back, forearms, and hands did not ache him at all after the ride. In preparation for a multi-day ride, just about a week prior, I gave him a FB MRM. He told me later that it was the easiest time he'd ever had doing that 3 day, 200 mile ride. His legs felt fresh at the end of each day and he had no stiffness or soreness in his body.

Sally P., 64, is a hairdresser. She finds her hands tired, sore and stiff after a day's work, even though she's now semi-retired and only works 2 days a week. A friend, I give her the myofascial work on her fingers, hands, forearms, biceps and triceps. The work relieves her of the pain she'd previously felt and her hands, she says, feel relaxed and loose.

Just this past week I had 2 new clients, husband & wife in their mid 50's, to whom I gave a full body myofascial release massage. Both exclaimed having easier breathing, better posture and a feeling of centeredness to them. The wife sings in a choir and she told me today she was pleasantly surprised to find her singing to be so much more easily accomplished. She felt like she had much greater lung capacity.

I've had other clients tell me of the benefits they'd derived from the MRM; in fairness, I've had several people for whom the massage seemed to make no difference. I guess you can't win them all.

I have several clients who use my work as an adjunct to their using a chiropractor.

Oddly, at least to me, I've had more than one person fall asleep on the massage table while I was giving them an MRM. It always surprises me when that happens as I preface the work by saying that much of what I do will be relaxing for them after I'm done.

Anyway, I found Tom Myer's Anatomy Trains to be helpful to me in terms of movement analysis and getting a fuller awareness of the relationship of the body to itself. I now have a better understanding of why when there's a pain in one's neck it may be related to something going on in their lower leg or foot.

I have added trigger point work to my massage base. I've been studying trigger points now for several years and find it to be an excellent companion to the myofascial work.

I can't thank you enough for teaching me this modality. It has made my massage work so much more effective and has given me a reputation in the community as a healer. Not all people like the work, finding it too intense, but for those who do, I have been able to effect some really dramatic and seemingly permanent changes.


I had a lady from 2 hours away that would come once a month to receive this work in particular because she found the benefits of it far outweighed any regular massages she had ever had in the past and no one in her area knew this kind of work. She was recovering from cancer and because of the treatments, she somehow developed a drag in her one leg that would cause her to trip and even fall down several flights of stairs. I worked on her only two times with MRM and the drag completely went away and has not tripped or fell in over a year and she contributes this all to this wonderful new work she discovered, thanks to Howard!!!

Hope that will work! I love taking these classes! It starts a fire under me again and gets me excited to work on people and change their lives! Looking forward to MRM part 4!! I will probably ride along with crystal in january when she takes the test so I will most likely see you then! Thanks again for a fun and informative weekend!!!

Richelle Garman

Hi Howard:

I finally had an opportunity to practice some of the strokes that you taught us over the weekend at Massage Envy. My first client just wanted a relaxing massage and medium pressure. She said just do the same thing as before, I liked it. I actually gave her a medium/firm pressure. So, I said to her while massaging her trapezius (using the myofascial release method), "I'm going to try a few different strokes today that I learned over the weekend." On the upper body, I performed at least seven of the strokes. When she was face up, I noticed that she couldn't turn her head even though she didn't complain about it. While I was using the strokes she said that her upper body was much looser. When I was finished, she could rotate her head fully on one side, the other, almost 3/4 of the way. She was very impressed with the technique and asked for a 90 minute session the next month. What a difference a three day intensive session makes.

I practiced different strokes on several other clients. One was experiencing pain in her lats. I noticed that her ql was very tight. So I turned her on her side and did the strokes. I didn't spend much time like I usually would following a routine to massage her entire back. I worked on her erectors that were tight, particularly in the lumbar area. When I finished with her, she said the pain was gone yet it had been hurting all night. I was so happy that I could make the pain go away.

I need to practice the breathing technique, but if I do several techniques a day while they are fresh in my mind I think that I will master them. Thanks so much for a great course and I will keep you posted.

Angie Purnell

Hi Howard,

Thank you for all of the great Myofascial Release classes. I've used the techniques this week that I learned last weekend at the Myofascial Release Advanced III. One client said it was the best massage that she has ever had, and she has had many. Another client came to me with a unique and painful hip issue that I would have had a problem resolving without the techniques that we learned in MFR III. MFR has enabled me, a male practioner, to separate myself from many of the 5000 female LMT's in Massachusetts. In my 6 years of practice in SE MA, I have yet to meet a therapist or client who has experienced MFR. This technique is responsible for the two new MT positions that I now have, one being my own business, the other being employed in a very high end, luxurious setting with a very large clientele base, surrounded by wonderfully supportive associates. I can’t thank you enough for bringing and sharing your knowledge to us.

I have had so much success in using the myofascial treatment, it's unbelievable! People are forming lines at my door! This work has made a huge impact on my life, as well as in the lives of all people I try to help in managing and relieving their pain!

Just thought I'd share the immense impact and positive outcome your work has achieved in such a short time in so many different ways! Wish there was a way of taking the lower extremity class!

All my best,

Amanda Potgieter

Hi Howard,

I hope this email finds you well. I just wanted to give some feedback since I took the upper extremity class.


Jim Tebeau

Hi Amy,

Thanks so much for staying in touch. And thanks for the good word. Any "miracles" to share?


Yes, of course!

Most recent was a 65 plus year old woman, usually very active and frustrated by limited mobility. I worked quads, hams, adductors and periformis. When she got up off the table, she lifted her leg and exclaimed "I haven't been able to lift this leg for months!"

Oh, more recently. . . today my farrier came for me to perform my half of our barter. Her shoulders were immobile. I did the standard upper body protocol without the seated work and with extra scapula work as well as modifying what you've taught us to include the serratus group. She had to rush out, but was exclaiming that her shoulders were finally free and sent a text asking where I'd been all her life, declaring this work to be 'Amazing'.

And. . . that 14 year old dog I practiced on after our first class? He's still moving freely enough to avoid euthenasia and can even scratch his own ears now, much to his delight.

Amy Delventhal

Hello Howard,

Hope all is well! Thank you again for that amazing class last week! I just wanted to write you because I've been incorporating more and more of MFR Massage with open minded clients.

In the past week I've seen a client who has scoliosis with a curvature which deviates to the right. The ab work did wonders for her discomfort. I also worked her legs and of course hip flexors to alleviate pain. After the session she compared the work to Rolfing and noticed a huge improvement.

I also saw a woman who is a first mate on a yacht. She came in twice, one 60 minute session and the second a 2 hour session. The 2 hour session gave me time to do the majority of the techniques learned from both classes. She too was amazed at the abdominal and hip flexor work. It made her realize how tight her hips and legs were. Along with that her back and neck pain which she had me work on initially had practically vanished.

Another client who I haven't seen in 2 months finally came in and she had a very tight neck with limited range of movement. Halfway through the 90 minute session she was able to turn over without any trouble as well as breathe deeper than she has in 3 weeks. When I asked her to lift her head like she was performing a crunch she lifted it with no issue and completely surprised.

I believe that what we do is validated specifically after 1 leg is worked on. The clients notice a huge difference between the 2 legs. Yes, I get excited as well! Of course I don't show it!

I'm truly begining to enjoy the treatments more and more. Initially I say I will do a customized session with a few MFR "moves". One becomes 10 in no time.

Thats all for now. My wife is surprised that I've written so much. Have a fantastic weekend!



PS- does this make us Fasciast?

Hi Howard,

Just got home from work and I had a client who plays piano and sings for a living. She said her neck, shoulders, back, and arms were pretty sore, so I explained about MFR, what we could do and how the session would run.

She said great so we started the work. As I started working she commented on how great the work started to feel so I explained how I had taken a class this past weekendand was implementing some of what I learned.

When I got to her hands and fingers, I had her wiggle them before we worked to see how they felt and then again after the work, she couldn't believe how good they felt.She started laughing and said that she does that when she gets really relaxed. I also did the neck traction, which I nailed on the first shot and she was estatic about it!

During the session I was explaining about my experience with the rib cage and abdominal work and how much better I could breath and how open I felt. She immediately asked if we could do that work in the next session cause she was defintely coming back to me.

The cool part about this is I only had one booking for the day, I was getting ready to leave when I was asked if I would stay and work on a member that had just walked in hoping for an appt. I said sure.

When I checked in with her the second time about the work and to make sure the pressure was ok she said that the universe must have brought us together cause the work felt so great and couldn't believe how good she was starting to feel. She also explained that she was going to only do a half hour session but decided on and hour and was glad she did that. She asked if I did 90 mins also.

When she came out of session she was laughing and said how great she felt (loose, open, better ROM) and that I did awesome work and was gonna try and book an appt with me next Monday.

I just wanted to thank you for a great class, and the experience I will gain with each massage will be priceless! I also texted your TA right away and let her know. I told her I felt like busting out of my skin I was so excited! She was very proud and excited for me! You guys both ROCK and I wanted to thank you so much for the new tool!

Hoping part 2 works out in Oct, and will hopefully have great new experiences to share! Thanks again!



Thank you for sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm with us last weekend. I must honestly say that this was the best workshop I have ever attended and the information that I gained has already been put to use helping manage the pain in my clients. I am so excited to have a pallat of new strokes and techniques to utilize daily.

Count me in for Part II, the lower body April 20-23. I cannot imagine anything that would keep me away from that workshop. Thank you for listening to our requests to move the date up as I too did not want to wait until next fall to learn this valuable information.

Please do enjoy your holiday season and wishing you and your family a joyous and prosperous new year.

Namaste and Regards,
Sue Hriczo, CTRS, NCTMB

Having been in practice for ten years I have taken many classes to improve and advance my work over the years. Howard's Myofascial class is an absolute inspiration for any Massage Therapist who is looking to advance their work.

I have experienced wonderful results in clients with postural problems such as kyphosis, chronic low back and neck tension and restricted range of motion. If you are looking for a technique to make a difference in your bodywork take this class.

Christina Draber

Hi Howard,

I wanted to thank you for being such a good friend and mentor for the past ten years. When I took your course back in 2001 I had no idea what a positive impact it would have on my career. rom the most basic principle (think globally and you'll get everything) to the advanced techniques you teach, I have used something I learned from you in every massage I've given since taking your course. That's literally thousands of massages.

I am now working at a very prestigious social club in Boston, MA. There is no question in my mind that the skills I have developed while using your teachings opened the doors to this wonderful opportunity. I was referred to the club by a client whose low back pain went away after I applied your teachings during his massage.

Thanks again, for everything
Jack Fisher, LMT/FOH (Friend of Howard's)

Hi Howard,

I have some awesome stories!! I hosted a wellness Clinic at my place of employment and gave demos on myofascial release. I had two clients sign up that night and they have already seen me 3 times each.

One client called two days later to say that the numbing in her arm had disappeared completely for 24 hours. She had had that numbness for over a year! The other client had shoulder issues and she has since not felt any pain. I also have a client with MS and he is absolutely in love with the work. He is having less pain.

Another Client who is a LMT had not had such a release in her upper body for years....and she was seeing an acupuncturist for a year or so. So I am very excited to offer more of this work as it has proven to work immediately and also has brought me great success financially. I love educating my clients with new and different ideas about looking at pain.

Kristen Tammaro / LMT

WHAT A BLAST - Thank you, Howard, for another unbelievably positive experience at this weekend's Myofascial Release Massage Part 2 workshop. While I've already worked for years as a successful fascial practitioner, I continue to expand my understanding and hone my skills because of your training.

You are a gifted and generous teacher on many levels; it is a pleasure to be in your classes. I continue to admire your clarity and openness. Really, I'm blown away by the apparent ease with which you run such a well-orchestrated workshop. And your manuals are excellent! (I would expect to pay additional for the quality of teaching materials that you include in the tuition price.)

Well, I awaited Part 2 with great anticipation, and my expectations were far exceeded. So my enthusiasm about Myofascial Release Massage continues to grow, and now I'm eager for Part 3.

With respect and gratitude,
Pat Christopherson

Dear Howard,

First and foremost I want to thank you so very much for an absolutely amazing weekend. I walked away from the weekend absolutely energized and full of excitement. Many aspects you covered touched my life in so many ways. I'm only sad because I have to wait until September for Part II.

I started some of the work on Monday....and below is the email I received from my client the very next morning. I have to admit I haven't received an email like this in quite some time! I know I did the work, but you gave me the tools and for that I am so very thankful. I wish I could do more to show you my appreciation. I'm so excited to grow with these techniques, but even more excited to help more and more people who are in pain.

I look forward to seeing you again in September!

With much appreciation...

Hi Marianne,
Just want to let you know that last night was the first night in a long time that my hands did not fall asleep when sleeping. Whatever you did with that massage was wonderful. If I got good results with just one massage, I can’t wait for more. Thank you so much!
I look forward to seeing you again on Sunday!


Hello Howard,

Thank you so much Howard for sharing your talents and instruction. I' ve been using the Myofascial Release techniques I learned since the first class with dramatic and remarkable results. Furthermore, these techniques haved shaped my approach to bodywork and I recommend other collegues to add this knowlege as a valuable asset.

More than a few people have come to a session with little to no range of motion in the head and neck. One in particular had to be driven to the massage center because of their inability to move their head.

Through use of the myofascial release strokes from the first class pertaining to the upperbody, I was able to facillitate significant changes which allowed the client to walk away from the session with complete range of motion in the cervical spine!

One of the clients I've worked with asked me to focus on an ankle sprain he had for over 40 years and it had always given him mild discomfort, especially taking stairs. Before our 4th session the client thanked me saying I had "saved him thousands of dollars in medical bills!" He had planned to have foot surgery before moving for retirement. After a week of pain free movement he no longer felt surgery was required.

I'm happy to say these type of stories have become more of a constant reality for me. Thank you so much Howard. Hope to see you in January.

Joey DeLeon

Good Morning Howard,

I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how excited I've been all week to be able to use the myofacial release techniques starting with my first client Monday morning. I love the way you teach. I felt confident when I left on Sunday that I not only knew how to use these techniques but why and what they could do for my clients.

Thanks so much Howard. I look forward to seeing you in December.

Karen Bean

hello howard,

my name is shanna beavers . i was involved in one of your 3 day courses at bancroft school of massage. i just want to let you know how impressed i am with the work. ive been using it with wonderful results on all my clients. they cant wait until i learn more.

i was curious to know when the myofacial release 2 and 3 will be and where. i lost the place and dates but definately want to go where ever they may be. hope all is well and that your move went smoothly.

thanks again


I hope that's what you were looking for... I tell you I love using the Hellerwork myofascial approach... it gives me great results with my clients and is truly amazing. I have been to other fascial workshops, non compare to yours!

I look forward to the lower extremity workshop in the fall...

One other question, there is a MT that also provides your workshops in NC... is it possible to attend one of his lower extremity workshops and receive the credit toward the certification? ( my parents live in NC) just a thought?

Talk to you soon

General testimonial letter

General testimonial letter


Unbelievable to learn that just this day..someone actually is willing and waiting to quit her job and become a myofascial release practitioner...!! For real!!

Also, must add to my notation that the man whom I meantioned to you that was a multi-millionaire and had lost his dearest wife a year back came to have his session this morning and while giving the myofascial release..he fell into a deep sleep and afterwords said that he "felt like a million" and scheduled more treatments....

He said that the treatments are making him dream of all the wonderful times he shared with his Marie..and that he has found a new love in his life with his two children that have children...he has a full circle connection now and his family has responded back!!! At this time in our lives..this is the real reward!!! 9:00 I have another treatment on a farmer that has never felt this "healthy" since he was a kid of 17. He said that "whatever I did for him has made him of 54yrs old feel like he could work for 12 hours without a second wind"...I am soo happy to assist in what you've led us all to find. People are whole every facet of what life should become....I could truly just cry over this discovery...this is what life should be.

Thank you for this and so much more,

Time and Money Well Spent
by James C. Dahler, LMT

When I first graduated from massage school in 1997, I felt that the only thing I truly understood was how very little I actually knew about massage. I guess that while I felt in command of the techniques that I had learned in school, there still remained a lion's share of techniques about which I hadn't a clue.

To combat my feelings of inadequacy, I made a resolution to continue my education by attending as many seminars as my schedule and my budget would allow.

My first couple of experiences with massage-related seminars were fairly disappointing. After each, I drove home not exactly sure what I would tell my wife it was that I had gotten for the money I had spent.

At each seminar, students who expressed concerns that they weren't "getting it" were assured that the skills being taught depended in large part upon the innate ability of the practitioner to sense subtle nuances in his or her client. Results and confidence would come with practice.

That very well could be an accurate statement about any new technique learned, but for someone struggling to put some faith in their abilities, that kind of statement could be taken as an implication that if a student isn't "getting it" it may be because he or she hasn't "got it" to begin with. That sort of puts pressure on the student to start seeing results, whether they be real or imagined.

These experiences left me feeling as though I might just have purchased new brand of snake oil. Nice package, little content.

For a while after those first couple of seminars, I convinced myself I was always too busy or too broke to even bother looking at the seminar announcements that I was getting in the mail. It finally took hitting the limits of my abilities to help a couple of my chronic pain clients to make me realize that people needed me to honor that resolution I had made to continue my education.

My job was to find the things that would help the people that needed it, and if it took buying a few gallons of snake oil to find the things that were truly helpful, that would just have to a part of the price paid.

I truly feel as though I struck gold when I attended Howard Rontal's Myofascial Release series on the upper and lower body. His instructional methods are focused and clear. The techniques are simple and easy to learn.

Students have the opportunity to witness the instructor performing the techniques upon a volunteer, while he explains in great detail the actual mechanics of that particular technique. Before and after observations of the subjects, along with a description of how the technique made them feel, gives immediate, tangible and often astonishing proof that the techniques are effective.

Students are then required to pair off with different partners for each phase of instruction, which gives the students needed practice in dealing with people of differing physical and emotional make-ups. Students then get to trade giving and receiving the techniques with each other as the instructor circulates through the room. He will advise, correct, answer questions and demonstrate again, if need be.

Backing all of this up is a manual that completely describes each of the techniques taught in such a well-written manner that a "refresher course" is never more that a brief read-through away. I drove home each evening of these weekend seminars excited about what I had learned and eager to return for more.

Taking these newly-learned techniques back to my practice allowed me to accomplish more with some people in a single session than I had been able to previously during months of weekly sessions before I took these seminars. Even casual, infrequent clients commented on the positive changes they noticed in my techniques.

These days, I seldom perform a massage without incorporating things I learned at these seminars. I often encourage other therapists, particularly those with limited time and money (who really need to make their seminar hours and dollars count) to attend Howard Rontal's Myofascial Release Seminars.

Hi Howard,

Hey, I think about you every massage. I use MRM every massage and having regular clients request the treatment. Definitely the most valuable clinic I have taken.

Hope all is well with you.
Take care

I attended Howard Rontal's course of Myofacial Release Technique in the fall of last year in order to satisfy my educational requirements set forth by the American Massage Therapy Association. Having procrastinated until the last minute, I registered for this course because it was the only course being offered that would meet my scheduling limitations.

What a great surprise it was! This was the best course that I have attended since my graduation in 1994. I have been able to incorporate Mr. Rontal's techniques into my everyday massage therapy routine. It has been very well accepted by my clients, and has increased the amount of relief that I can provide for each and every client.

I would highly recommend this course to every practicing massage therapist and every student who would like to be a great massage therapist.

Scott French, C.M.T. A.M.T.A. member since 1993

General testimonial letter

Dear Howard,

What can one say after such a marvelous feast? The desert was the best in learning so much at once on the emotional aspect of the human anatomy!!! I have sooo many more questions and I am now coming to an understanding that this study is an endless journey.

After the meloncholy ending for us all...I soon arrived home to write a 23 page business plan..and then late my daughter comes over and wants to talk about my weekend. She is identical to me in every way and sadly, has her momma's self-effacement problems as well. So, I worked on her feet and chest and arms. She is a hard worker and a cosmetologist..on her feet and bending and lifting akwardly each day...on feet for up to 12 hrs at times...poor little dear.

So, she bore the pain and we went through the motions. Then she stood up and had such surprise on her face. Like the day I took her to the zoo and she saw panda bears for the first time in her life. She sooo hugged me and wants more treatments..said that she hadn't felt her breathing and the lump in her heart go away like that before.

I also gave that older, wealthy gentlemen a two hour tour on myofascial this a.m. and he said that he feels like a young man again!! He's 71 and admitted that he didn't feel this way when he was 21!!! He is now dating some older women for just a sports game and dinner and feels so youthful..he looked in my mirror before leaving the house and declared that he has grown about two more inches..he was all smiles and he bounced down the sidewalk to his caddy...and off he went as I waved and it looked to me that his car even bounced with him in rhythm.

I just went outside and caught a glimpse of the little dipper constallation.

When I left your workshop on Sunday evening...the experience I felt all of those days just welled up inside if my heart would flood over. To come home and apply the work and see others so happy was exactly what I needed. This work completes me...and my little dipper is shining again. You have been most kind,,,thank you for all you did for us.

the grasshopper,
rhonda m.

I was lucky enough to be able to have taken both the upper body and the lower body seminars with Howard when he offered them at the GWIM in Burke a couple of years ago... he is a very personable, approachable and professional teacher and I learned so much from his courses that I have incorporated into my massage work.

Pat Faramarzi

General testimonial letter

Hi there Howard. This is Jenna Hendershot.

I attended your seminars earlier this year at OCM. First off, I would like to thank you again for the opportunity. I must say those two weekends were life changing for me. After I attended your seminars I really began to look into my own life a little better. I visited with Jim Bubbi about a month ago. We went over some of my techniques and what I felt shaky on and he gave me alot of advice. I realized I haven't been giving my all into something that I truly love.

I went on a ten day fasting program and I did alot of meditation and praying. I have began to ground myself a bit more, and in September I am planning on a trip to San Francisco to have a visit with a school called The World School of Massage and Holistic Health. I have plans on becoming a Holistic Health Practitioner, but I would like to take Hellerwork with me as well.

I would like to get the chance to participate in the certification tests in June. I know before I was slacking, however I've picked up the reins and began to run. I wanted to make sure that I was eligible to sit for the test, and if not what do I need to do in order to be there.

Never in my life have I wanted something so bad. I understand it will be hard and the pay off for my work will be beneficial one day. I only hope that one day I can be as happy and succesful as you are. I know that I will never stop learning in this field and I know it's so rewarding. I also know that it's going to take alot of faith to get me through this. I'm ready to try. It's time for me to step up to my challanges and jump into what I love head first.

Thank you again for the wonderful life changing experience, Howard.

Jenna Hendershot

Hello Howard!

I wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed you Myofascial I & II senimars at OCM. I'm currently a senior in their program and I'm almost ready to graduate! Not only did I take your seminar for the credit hour requirements but also because everyone I asked about it said it was incredible. And gee, what an understatement!

I not only see tremendous results from the work but the confidence I gained through your style of teaching and encouragement throughtout the seminar is something I'll treasure and remember during my career as an LMT. Once again, thank you for everything! If you ever need a helping hand in the Ohio area, I'd love to offer mine!

Jill M. Perline
Cortland, Ohio

General testimonial letter

Dear Howard,

I received a lovely tea set from a client that I have had for a while and that I had recently given a myofascial treatment to. The gift was an antique, one of a kind 6piece set. I thanked her very kindly and immediately placed it in my china closet thinking,"I'll never use this but it's nice to store away." Then, after getting up this early am to put my usual large pot of Jewish penicilin on to brew and make 6 loaves of organic bread for the elderly and sick in my area....I kept finding my eyes glancing over at that tea set.

What a foolish decision it is to keep treasures and never use them in life. The same is so true of the treasure you've wrapped up so nicely and given to our class. And as treasures go, sometimes we can find it...but, more often than not..we dig and dig and never seek a single pearl. This "miracle" bounty has helped already many of the people I used to do general massage on..and a few newer clients that I just offered to help.

No one has said anything under that, "This is amazing!" "Awsome!" "Unbelievable" etc..etc..etc...yeah better than inn "the king and I." I was in Poaris area of Columbus and went for ice cream at the "stone cold" and the young guy was trying his best to scoop out ice cream to all of us screamers and I noticed he winced and asked him how his wrists were doing??? He said he was only 18yrs old and already needing to see his doctor again because of carpal tunnel issues...

I privately said that I have learned of a treatment that might help and asked him if he could deliver my order last and come to my table for the hand and arm myofascial treatment? He did and his boss didn't care because he too wanted a treatment. The kid's eyes rolled back in his head and a great big smile came forth!! He told me that he has had pain each and every day for the whole summer into fall and it was gone?

I also have an off and on client that is unemployed and used to do harness wiring for a company connected to Delphi....she has worked there for over 12 yrs and has bound up her shoulders, arms and hands...pain galore. I offered for her to come for two hours at my home and worked long on her....she was simply sooo grateful as her company just called her back this week and she was feeling helpless but needed to work without the boost. The treatment gave her back the boost and more....she was actually a happy gal and said that depression has left her. I gave her the treatment at no cost because the payback was written all over her face.

Another women whose job is a pressured position at a local bank in upper management. She had a three hour treatment because I was slower and more hard on her...her request...she is a chain smoker and will be 40 in Jan. so much mender in her muscle system and emotional nature...I will write more on her at a better time..but she wants to write you a note which I'll share next class time. I took before and after pictures of the last two to show the difference myo makes!!

Today, after my deliveries and church I am scheduled to work on a truckdriver, farmer...I just know that this too will be wonderful! Treasures are rare to find...and even better when used and shared. I am planning a tea party for 80 to 90 yr let you know that I will never again let something lay in a closet.

Thank you many times over,
Rhonda the grasshopper

Hi Howard,

Thanks for the call. I am happy to achieved my certification.

As I had said, the bulk of the massages I give I use Myofascial Release Massage. Everything else, Swedish, Hot Rocks, Active Isolated Stretching, is support based. Just the other day I gave an 85 year old woman MRM on her hands, making her happy and surprise to be able to close and open her hands. I do not know why the elderly believe there bodies are to be rigid. I treat a man in his 60's who has been athletic since his teens and never stretch in his entire life till he started seeing me.

His body was rock hard with cords for muscles. With MRM I get him mobile and flexible and with AIS he maintains my work. It is a slow process since I have to work with all his injuries he has suffered through the years, as well as wait for him to believe in stretching incorporating a whole lifestyle change in his mind. [:-]] I am proud to say it is happening, in baby steps.

The TMJ type work you did on me I could really use, another woman in her 50's came to me for a Swedish Massage, that turned into a MRM. I was not able to get all the tension out of the neck area, though she was happy with my work and schedule another session. So, let me know when your advance class reaches Bancroft.

Oh, I am still feeling great after your work on me, though the right rib bothers me now and then. Tomorrow I will begin taking yoga again. [:-]]

Thank you,

Janet E Hellweg, Mass LNCMT
LightPath Massage Therapy

Dear Howard,

I just wanted to thank you for teaching the MRM Upper Body class at AKS last weekend. It was extraordinarily well organized and clearly presented, and I am thrilled to have so many effective new strokes to use.

Thank you for the wealth of knowledge and experience that you shared. I think I'll incorporate strokes gradually into my sessions until I can do the whole routine without consulting the manual. I plan on practicing a lot and already have some volunteer bodies.

My back feels longer and my shoulders broader since the class. Today at yoga my shoulders and neck were noticeably more open and relaxed, and my lower back felt more flexible.

I forgot to put on my evaluation that Tracey is a fabulous assistant. She was very attentive and helpful to everyone while always keeping "the big picture" in mind. I was amazed to discover she has been doing MRM for only a year.

I liked your teaching style a lot — very focused but also relaxed and amenable. I think the combination helped us absorb a tremendous amount of information in a relatively short time. I'm looking forward to the Lower Body class in June.

I will be in contact soon to schedule a session with you, probably not so much for the migraine issue as for neck, shouder, and hip release. If the migraines go into remission, so much the better. If not, I'll still feel happier in my body.

All the best,

Dear Howard,

After taking both of your Myofascial I and II courses, I not only feel like a different person, physically; but your unique 'high IQ/ high EQ' perspective on bodywork has inspired me to be a better person, emotionally.

My education from you has professionally manifested in long-term clients with better posture and senses of well-being.

Thank you for acknowledging your teacher/healer calling, Howard.

Laura Pillarella

General testimonial letter


I heard that your wkshp at BSMT was a grand success! Excellent! Ernie Ezersky loved everything about it and talked about it in one of our staff meetings. Way to go!


I took the MFR class offered in Va Beach with Scott and was able to put the techniques to work with immediate results. Every benefit that I experienced with the work so did my clients. Thank you so much for sharing your modality. I look forward to future classes.


Dear Howard,

I want to tell you again how much I liked your class and how useful it was for me. After a week, I've used it extensively, both in practice sessions with fellow massage therapists to get a sense of the flow of the whole sequence, and with clients for area releases.

"I feel looser. I can move better." These are the main responses so far. Is there a better way to get at supraspinatus with very small boned, thin women? I've worked with three of them this week and my fist won't go through easily. The heel of my palm works better but the turning is awkward.

I wait with great anticipation for your phone call about an appointment with you for a MFR Massage. I already need it!

Thanks again for teaching us from your heart.
Lorraine Richey

General testimonial letter

Hi Howard:
Thanks so much for the great continuing ed. courses, Myofascial Release Massage, lower and upper body! I'm so glad that I have now taken both segments of this wonderful work. Of all of the CEU's that I have taken, I find MRM the most useful! It is simple, and so effective. My clients love it and so do I.

Thank you again,
Kelly Blair, CMT
Ashburn, VA.

General testimonial letter

Hey Howard,

What a great experience taking your workshop this weekend was! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I wanted to share some results from clients I have worked on before I took your workshop and after.

This AM:

Client 1: I feel a lot more range of motion and also a lot more blood flow. Relaxation in some of the muscles that were tight that I never felt before.

Client 2: Hard to explain difference, but there is a difference. All good!. Seemed a lot more painful, but afterwards it felt looser in areas I had not felt loose before. I left happy.

Client 3: Felt more opened and stretched, more range of motion, more blood flow.

This PM:

Client 1: I feel a much better release, stretch. What a great difference.

Client 2: It was very relaxing, I think it loosened me up more now than before plus it doesn't take long to feel the difference.

Client 3: I was energized and relaxed more. More circulation.

Howard, the chiropractor I work for on Mondays said "okay, after all of these fabulous reviews from the clients, I want to experience what you are doing." Can't get any better than that except for a raise:) All felt they benefited from me going to the workshop. I know, practice, practice, practice!

Bless you,

Karen Kovalcik, LMT
Ohio Injury Center
61 West Aurora Road,
Northfield, Ohio 44067

I attended Howard Rontal's course of Myofacial Massage in the fall of last year. I registered for this course after my phone conversations with one of the instructors and with Mr. Rontal.

Mr. Rontal's background and years of experience working with Structural Integration gives him the knowledge and ease to teach Myofascial Massage. Most of the bodywork that I now do is based on his teachings. It has made my work easier, more productive and I am eager to learn more about this form of bodywork.

My clients had very little resistance receiving this work and some were happy not to have oil on their body. Myofascial Massage has increased the amount of support I can provide for each and every client.

I highly recommend this course to all practicing massage therapists who desire to add myofascial work to their tool kit.

Antonio Moreano, MT

Dearest Howard Rontal

It is with excitement to express my contentment with the broad knowledge you provided during phase 1 of your Mayofacial Realease workshop.

Very enthusiastically done with cheap off stage humor but never the less but found it delightful fun and informative. < You Rock Howard! >

Tracey and Jack at your side were very pleasant as well and supportive through entire class. Your seminar is definitely a sharpening tool to my skill of neuromuscular, sport massage and deep tissue techniques. I already did my first client this morning with Myofacial Realease during a neuromuscular session on my regular costumer. Success was more eminent with enthusiastic comments.

Thanks to you Howard your concept is San Frantastic and can't wait to explore more of it! Hope to hear from you from time to time have a great Spring Season.

With Love Compassion Gratitude

Intimately yours,
James Lee
Licensed Massage Therapist 413-330-8063

a year ago i spoke with mr. rontal from pondicherry, india, where i was living at the time, and i was immediately convinced that i he would be my teacher and that i would endevour to learn this beautiful work, and moreover, try to get certified.

i had done a course in energetic shiatsu, ayurvedic, and lomi lomi massages, and had been introduced to fascial release by a masseur friend who had just begun experimenting with the work. i immediately felt a connection with it, as the results were pretty good considering the short sessions that we practiced.

i was lucky to be able to do both the upper and lower body modules with mr. howard and scott dobbins, in june and july 2012, and in september 2012 do the advanced course and take the exam and get certified.

i moved to mumbai, my hometown, back with my family, last march, and continue to have clients coming who are regular and if i may say so, very happy to come back.

mr. rontal is one of the most patient and encouraging teachers that i have ever had the honour of learning from. he continues to be in touch and is always a stable, solid and loving presence, not to mention his impeccable teaching style, experience and expertise in this work. moreover, all the work has been highly refined and yields fantastic results to whomsever i have worked with.

i highly recommend getting certified. release your fascia, release the fascia of others, and get a career and a fulfilling practice and life!

thank you howard for all that, and more!

rishad suntook

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal
phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal