Myofascial Release Massage: Deep Work. Lasting Relief.



I just finished my 11-session Hellerwork series with Howard and am amazed at how fantastic I feel. It's as if this work really allowed me to come home to my body and know it's voice for the first time in my life. When I started with Howard, I knew that my muscles and fascia were holding onto old traumas and fears, much of this impacting how I wanted to show up in life personally. Under Howard's gentle guidance and ability to hold space for me as I processed the Hellerwork experience, I was able to release the old stories and traumas literally holding me back. Other noticeable perks have been: reduced body tension, increased mobility, fewer fears about life, bolstered appreciation for what my body can do, and the ability to move through life in new ways with confidence and ease.

Don't hesitate to work with Howard. He's fantastic. This was the best gift I've given myself in years! Thank you, Howard!

Mr. Joseph Heller, Founder Hellerwork. I'm writing to you to compliment Mr. Rontal's strength, compassion, insight and skillful hands.

Joseph Heller replies: Howard was my personal assistant... He delivers Hellerwork of the highest quality.

Hellerwork with Howard has been one of the most positive and enriching experiences I've ever had.

I experienced a lot of emotional and energetic release in our Hellerwork sessions.

enriched my life

right side of chest now equal to the left - no longer depressed

the sessions were worthwhile both from a physical and mental point of view


Hellerwork gave a new feeling of youth to my body

With Hellerwork I experienced a newer, freer me.

solid proof of these beneficial changes

expanded awareness

Four areas of improvement - flexibility and balance, opennes in throat and sinuses, opennes in the upper body, and freedom from lower back pain

Dear Howard and Reader of this Recommendation,

I have no reservations in recommending Howard Rontal's expert structural integration and bodywork therapy.

My advice to you, if you're asking, is to be in Howard's care until your body tells you you're fine and dandy. Your physical well-being will spill over handsomely into your emotional health, and your ability to handle the very real and overwhelming stress (physical, mental, emotional) we all face constantly.

What follows are the ways Howard has helped to realign and fortify my body. I believe I have received the finest personalized medical treatment and care available anywhere. And that I have armed myself for the next several decades the best way possible.

I don't know about you, but I'm not leaving my future health status to chance. With many years of shoulder, neck, and cranial pain, more would be on the way unless I actively addressed it. It's worth every penny to me, to repair my physical body in a precise and exacting manner.

The first thing I noticed, during one of the early Hellerwork series of sessions, was I stopped walking on the outside of both my feet. I did not go to Howard for this reason, and I hadn't given much thought to this aspect of my health. It was just how things were.

This change, in my opinion, summarizes the unforeseen and important improvements Howard's work offers.

Do not underestimated the importance of going to an expert for their expert opinion and care. You just won't completely know all the incredible benefits of Howard's care until you start and progress through a series of treatments. For me it's crystal clear. Nothing happens unless you value and take action to improve your health and functioning for known problems and to combat the effects of aging.

All of my thoughts are predicated on two things. One is the efficacy of the body of work and training that Howard's care represents. And the second is the expertise of the practitioner — in this case, Howard's ability to solve the complexities of structural misalignments working with ligaments, tendons, and the myofascial body system. Howard's 15+ years of experience is twofold; working with private clients, and training massage therapy professional across the country.

Back to more of my incredible results. Ask any TMJ sufferer, wearing a mouth guard at night may get you some relief. You try it for a while and then you live with the dysfunction, because the treatment does not get you lasting results.

What Howard has done for me is nothing short of stupendous. Now granted, it took some time. For me it was only a matter of time before my body (not Howard's work) would completely respond. My right jaw socket is no longer clicking every time I open my mouth and constantly sore.

This condition started years ago. I believe Howard's dedication and can-do attitude to continue to chip away at the body's dysfunctions (those he sees and diagnoses and those the client identifies), would work for most any client willing to have patience and give healing a chance.

It seems that I can feel subtle physical changes in my body, and this perspective may help you, the reader, of this recommendation.

A wonderful massage is a wonderful massage and I'm all for them. However, eliminating the rotations and lack of functioning and signaling that flows through your tendons, ligaments and muscles is a whole other ballgame.

When Howard asks how a particular session has gone for me, one of the components beyond wonderful (yes, there is pain on the way to wonderful) is that I can feel everything is open and flowing.

Our body's functioning could be summed up as a complex flow of information. The sense of peace and well-being I get from every session is, for me, ultimately is the result of unimpeded flow of information.

To me it feels like nothing is stuck. So beyond telling Howard something is in pain, it is only after he "releases" and opens up the flow of my body that I say, "now my body feels like it's suppose to — natural."

If you're reading this then may you're one of the ones who will not continue to ignore the obvious. Everyone has rotations and structural misalignment in their body. So if you want to really address your health now and for the future, you have two choices; find a treatment method that takes them out and an expert practitioner.

My praise for Howard is unabashed. Go get yourself some health, or not. Your choice.

All the best of health,
Tamara K. Stuchlak, MPH

P.S. Here's a ditty on my background that may add another bit of credibility to my assessment of Howard's work.

With a master's degree in Public Health and 9 years of management experience, I thought I would be in a position to prove the cost effectiveness and superior quality of life outcome with non-surgery non-drug treatment (otherwise known as alternative medicine) on the inside of a managed care company.

No such luck. So for the past 7 years I've been evaluating and promoting holistic treatment methods including:

I have used and evaluated many non-surgery non-drug treatment methods, and I personally know many holistic practitioner and integrative medicine physicians. What Howard can do for you is formidable. The specificity and precise ability to get results comes from his exemplary training (Hellerwork and Myofascial Release, to name a few) and his proven expertise.

I have been receiving Hellerwork treatments from Howard for some months now.

I cannot speak highly enough about the difference these sessions have helped with the scoliosis I have had since a teenager.

I have benefited from learning to stand and walk without leaning forward, which had become a habit, now I walk tall and the treatment seems to benefit every body part, when I am receiving the Hellerwork it feels as though every joint and moving part of my body is relieved of tension, in fact after my first treatment I thought everyone would benefit from this. I am 80 years old and as you could imagine every part of my body needed help, yes I was still active, but now I am much more aware of what I need to do in order to live a healthy long life.

Thank you Howard

Jan Reggett

Howard is a highly skilled and experienced Hellerwork/bodyworker. Last year he did a series of sessions with me in which he rolled back the clock (now in my mid-70s) and gave the body a new lease on active life. Working with Howard is an excellent choice at any age.

Robert Shaffer

Last summer, Howard suggested to me that I would benefit greatly from myofacial release massage. I was having balance problems and not walking well. Other signs were stooped shoulders and poor posture in general.

After one session the difference was noticeable. After the final session, this body looked really different! straighter, taller, more poised.

Howard put me at ease right away, with his humor and gentle massage technique. He listened and watched closely as my body released the tension and stress that were making it hard to function.

If we lived on the same continent, I'd book an appointment with Howard today! You are lucky he has moved to Australia!

Rebecca Plunkett

(From Howard: Please note that I still practice in Potomac, MD, Detroit, MI, and Boston, MA twice per year.)

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244
© Howard Rontal


I just finished my 11-session Hellerwork series with Howard and am amazed at how fantastic I feel. It's as if this work really allowed me to come home to my body and know it's voice for the first time in my life. When I started with Howard, I knew that my muscles and fascia were holding onto old traumas and fears, much of this impacting how I wanted to show up in life personally. Under Howard's gentle guidance and ability to hold space for me as I processed the Hellerwork experience, I was able to release the old stories and traumas literally holding me back. Other noticeable perks have been: reduced body tension, increased mobility, fewer fears about life, bolstered appreciation for what my body can do, and the ability to move through life in new ways with confidence and ease.

Don't hesitate to work with Howard. He's fantastic. This was the best gift I've given myself in years! Thank you, Howard!

Mr. Joseph Heller, Founder Hellerwork. I'm writing to you to compliment Mr. Rontal's strength, compassion, insight and skillful hands.

Joseph Heller replies: Howard was my personal assistant... He delivers Hellerwork of the highest quality.

Hellerwork with Howard has been one of the most positive and enriching experiences I've ever had.

I experienced a lot of emotional and energetic release in our Hellerwork sessions.

enriched my life

right side of chest now equal to the left - no longer depressed

the sessions were worthwhile both from a physical and mental point of view


Hellerwork gave a new feeling of youth to my body

With Hellerwork I experienced a newer, freer me.

solid proof of these beneficial changes

expanded awareness

Four areas of improvement - flexibility and balance, opennes in throat and sinuses, opennes in the upper body, and freedom from lower back pain

Dear Howard and Reader of this Recommendation,

I have no reservations in recommending Howard Rontal's expert structural integration and bodywork therapy.

My advice to you, if you're asking, is to be in Howard's care until your body tells you you're fine and dandy. Your physical well-being will spill over handsomely into your emotional health, and your ability to handle the very real and overwhelming stress (physical, mental, emotional) we all face constantly.

What follows are the ways Howard has helped to realign and fortify my body. I believe I have received the finest personalized medical treatment and care available anywhere. And that I have armed myself for the next several decades the best way possible.

I don't know about you, but I'm not leaving my future health status to chance. With many years of shoulder, neck, and cranial pain, more would be on the way unless I actively addressed it. It's worth every penny to me, to repair my physical body in a precise and exacting manner.

The first thing I noticed, during one of the early Hellerwork series of sessions, was I stopped walking on the outside of both my feet. I did not go to Howard for this reason, and I hadn't given much thought to this aspect of my health. It was just how things were.

This change, in my opinion, summarizes the unforeseen and important improvements Howard's work offers.

Do not underestimated the importance of going to an expert for their expert opinion and care. You just won't completely know all the incredible benefits of Howard's care until you start and progress through a series of treatments. For me it's crystal clear. Nothing happens unless you value and take action to improve your health and functioning for known problems and to combat the effects of aging.

All of my thoughts are predicated on two things. One is the efficacy of the body of work and training that Howard's care represents. And the second is the expertise of the practitioner — in this case, Howard's ability to solve the complexities of structural misalignments working with ligaments, tendons, and the myofascial body system. Howard's 15+ years of experience is twofold; working with private clients, and training massage therapy professional across the country.

Back to more of my incredible results. Ask any TMJ sufferer, wearing a mouth guard at night may get you some relief. You try it for a while and then you live with the dysfunction, because the treatment does not get you lasting results.

What Howard has done for me is nothing short of stupendous. Now granted, it took some time. For me it was only a matter of time before my body (not Howard's work) would completely respond. My right jaw socket is no longer clicking every time I open my mouth and constantly sore.

This condition started years ago. I believe Howard's dedication and can-do attitude to continue to chip away at the body's dysfunctions (those he sees and diagnoses and those the client identifies), would work for most any client willing to have patience and give healing a chance.

It seems that I can feel subtle physical changes in my body, and this perspective may help you, the reader, of this recommendation.

A wonderful massage is a wonderful massage and I'm all for them. However, eliminating the rotations and lack of functioning and signaling that flows through your tendons, ligaments and muscles is a whole other ballgame.

When Howard asks how a particular session has gone for me, one of the components beyond wonderful (yes, there is pain on the way to wonderful) is that I can feel everything is open and flowing.

Our body's functioning could be summed up as a complex flow of information. The sense of peace and well-being I get from every session is, for me, ultimately is the result of unimpeded flow of information.

To me it feels like nothing is stuck. So beyond telling Howard something is in pain, it is only after he "releases" and opens up the flow of my body that I say, "now my body feels like it's suppose to — natural."

If you're reading this then may you're one of the ones who will not continue to ignore the obvious. Everyone has rotations and structural misalignment in their body. So if you want to really address your health now and for the future, you have two choices; find a treatment method that takes them out and an expert practitioner.

My praise for Howard is unabashed. Go get yourself some health, or not. Your choice.

All the best of health,
Tamara K. Stuchlak, MPH

P.S. Here's a ditty on my background that may add another bit of credibility to my assessment of Howard's work.

With a master's degree in Public Health and 9 years of management experience, I thought I would be in a position to prove the cost effectiveness and superior quality of life outcome with non-surgery non-drug treatment (otherwise known as alternative medicine) on the inside of a managed care company.

No such luck. So for the past 7 years I've been evaluating and promoting holistic treatment methods including:

I have used and evaluated many non-surgery non-drug treatment methods, and I personally know many holistic practitioner and integrative medicine physicians. What Howard can do for you is formidable. The specificity and precise ability to get results comes from his exemplary training (Hellerwork and Myofascial Release, to name a few) and his proven expertise.

I have been receiving Hellerwork treatments from Howard for some months now.

I cannot speak highly enough about the difference these sessions have helped with the scoliosis I have had since a teenager.

I have benefited from learning to stand and walk without leaning forward, which had become a habit, now I walk tall and the treatment seems to benefit every body part, when I am receiving the Hellerwork it feels as though every joint and moving part of my body is relieved of tension, in fact after my first treatment I thought everyone would benefit from this. I am 80 years old and as you could imagine every part of my body needed help, yes I was still active, but now I am much more aware of what I need to do in order to live a healthy long life.

Thank you Howard

Jan Reggett

Howard is a highly skilled and experienced Hellerwork/bodyworker. Last year he did a series of sessions with me in which he rolled back the clock (now in my mid-70s) and gave the body a new lease on active life. Working with Howard is an excellent choice at any age.

Robert Shaffer

Last summer, Howard suggested to me that I would benefit greatly from myofacial release massage. I was having balance problems and not walking well. Other signs were stooped shoulders and poor posture in general.

After one session the difference was noticeable. After the final session, this body looked really different! straighter, taller, more poised.

Howard put me at ease right away, with his humor and gentle massage technique. He listened and watched closely as my body released the tension and stress that were making it hard to function.

If we lived on the same continent, I'd book an appointment with Howard today! You are lucky he has moved to Australia!

Rebecca Plunkett

(From Howard: Please note that I still practice in Potomac, MD, Detroit, MI, and Boston, MA twice per year.)

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal
phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal