Myofascial Release Massage: Easy To Learn. Immediate Results.




In Class Improvement

As a massage therapist, I knew how effective myofascial manipulation can be. I knew a few techniques for fascia release based on the Medical Massage Course I took at the Academy of Natural Health Sciences in NJ. But the course "The Myofascial Release Massage Upper Body Protocols" taught by Howard Rontal gives more in depth manipulation techniques that can really make a difference in functionality. This is my story and what Myofascial Release by Howard Rontal has done for me personally.

I had an open heart surgery in 1978 to correct Ventricular Septum Defect. I was 5 at the time. What this means is that the medical staff working on me had to cut my sternum in half to open my chest cavity to repair a hole in the septum, the cardiovascular wall dividing the left and right ventricle of my heart. I The surgery corrected one problem but created another - a constriction that would affect my breathing problems for the next 38 years. Before I was operated on I never had breathing problems. Shortly after, i developed asthma, was prone to lung infections and was winded easily. As a child it didn't bother me that much because I wasn't athletic. In my teens I started running and playing sports. i always got winded faster than everyone else. I thought I was just not as good or just not in as good shape as everyone else. But no matter how hard I trained, there was always a point where I had to stop because I couldn't breathe well or I would over heat from lack of oxygen. I also would get occasional pains on either side of my rib cage when inhaling deeply. even at rest. it was only this year that my yoga instructor discovered that my chest did not inflate when i breathed deeply, only my belly did. After that I was more mindful of what happens when i run and I noticed that I belly breathe which is ok for a certain speed but as I run faster into a sprint I need to take deeper breaths and it's just not possible for me so I begin to hyperventilate. When I learned that we would be working on myofascial release to ease breathing, I asked Howard is this could make a difference for me.

He asked me to stand in front of the class so that they can observe my breathing pattern. And as my yoga instructor discovered, they all agreed that my rib cage does not expand and only my belly does when breathing. My chest did not move at all. Howard began to apply the myofascial release on my chest, upper arm and shoulders. it was pretty uncomfortable, I must admit, but my muscle were so constricted after not expanding for 38 years that I knew there would be discomfort. With each technique my chest cavity began moving slowly and after the session was finished I took my first real deep inhalation for the first time in 38 years. It was a miracle and I can not thank Howard enough. I am so excited with my own results and can't wait to share these techniques with my own clients.

With thanks,

Denise Valdes
Zenergy Wellness Center
Cranbury, NJ

First letter from Carol Buckingham:

Dear Howard

I can't believe that for the second time in a week I am contacting you about a self treatment success. Though I normally have no back pain, I started feeling a lumbar ache followed by sudden sharp pains in the same area. I got down to the floor with unbelievable difficulty and then raised both legs up to compare length. There appeared to be more shortness on the left than usual. I pressed deeply into my abdomen to feel and hold my left psoas as I raised my left leg about 4 inches off the floor while pushing my heel outward. On the second try my psoas released and my lumbar spine spontaneously adjusted. I easily stood up, the pain was gone and I could move normally.

Thank you for teaching that technique.

Carol Buckingham

Second letter from Carol Buckingham: Thanks for a great part 3 class in VA Beach, fun, informative and relaxed. What could be better? I have been doing a lot of MRM lately, with good results and have an interesting variation on the iliacus. I have the client positiioned with both knees raised, feet flat on the table. I press into the iliacus and then have the client slowly wave both legs side to side (but not too far over) with the feet still in contact with the table. It is as I like to say, "special". What do you think?

The knee decompression you taught is a great help to my clients and now to me! I was just out crawling around with my vegetables (I was crawling, but they weren't) and when I got up my right knee was wonky, so I gimped into the house and did one knee decompression on myself and ta da!! Knee pain gone.

Carol Buckingham


I want to thank you again for the abdominal work you did on me in The Advanced Myofascial Release class this past weekend. You asked if anyone experienced lower back pain while doing a backbend. I raised my hand and told you about my 3 abdominal surgeries in the last 20 years. Before we began the work, you had me do a backbend. Then you and the other students felt my stomach. . . the descriptions were quite accurate — "hard and mushy at the same time." One person said "it feels like a water bed." You started with compression work — slow and deep — which created an emotional release in me, but you keep the pressure steady. After I got thru that, I could feel my stomach softening under your hands and the pressure going deeper. Then you used the "business end of your fist" to strip and smooth out the fascia. When I got off the table, I felt 10 lbs lighter and taller. I repeated the backbend and found I had no pain and was able to extend back so much farther. Really enjoyed the class and learned so much this weekend from you. . . great class.

As a side note, I went to my yoga class today and was able to go deeper into all my poses, including the backbend, with ease and zero pain in my lower back.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Katherine Voss CMT
Virginia Beach, VA

Hi Howard.

First of all I want to say thank you so much for teaching such a fabulous class over the weekend. My brain is so full of new information.

Secondly I wanted to let you know about my bike ride this morning post myofascial release. I'm the one who had the flat right foot and knee that pointed inward and when I rode my bike I had pain in my right hip. So today as soon as I got on my bike I could see that my ankle, knee and hip were all in a straight line!

I rode for 24 miles and kept a good pace at 14.1 mph which is good for me any day. What I noticed as different:

I thought you would be interested in my results soon after our class. I am so thrilled how I felt I can't wait to ride again. We can all add bicyclists to our list of potential clients.

Thanks again and best regards,

Carol Rossetti

Hip Improves - after 15 years!

Hi Howard,
Just wanted to say that I loved the class! It's been several weeks now since you worked on my hip, and it's still doing fantastic! The scar tissue has softened, and the increased range of motion is still holding strong. In fact, I'm still able to sit cross-legged, something I hadn't been able to do since getting hit by that car 15 years ago.

I've noticed that I've been making a few adjustments here and there due to correcting "postural habits" I've picked up over the last decade and a half to accommodate the hip issues/pain created by injury. In fact, I've been going to a chiropractor every week for quite a while now for adjustments to correct the 'unevenness' of the hips, and for the last three visits since your class, the hips have been even. No need for an adjustment!

The chiropractor has been pretty impressed. And so have I been. Thank you so much! The work you did in class has helped me not only in my professional career, but in my personal life as well!

Gratefully Yours,

Breathing Miracles

Dear Howard;

Your work on me and training this past weekend has forever changed my life! It has very likely lengthend my life, and dramatically improved my quality of life. I will be forever grateful and feel a deep bond to you.

You had the patience and courage to keep persisting at my request (signaling since I couldn't talk much smile face) even tho you were in the process of teaching a class and could have rushed through teaching the procedure. You made me feel like I was the only one in the room. I felt that you truly cared about my end result, not just teaching or effienciey or money to be made.

Let me explain--

When I was 12 and had my first bout with pneumonia without any medical care, which turned into 3 years of very painful pleurisy with a continuous fever. At age 19 my Dr. became concerned and referred me to a pulmonologist who conducted many tests including a Bronchoscopy and a Bronchiogram. I was told that I had alot of scar tissue in my left plural cavity and lung and that I would need to be careful to aviod and be susceptible to pneumonia.

However I was offered no hope of any way to better my condition. Any attempt at a deep breath was at best difficult and frustrating, and at worst painful. For 36 years I have often woken at night trying to get a deep breath. I have since had 3 more bouts with pneumonia, and alot of bronchitis in spite of a very healthy lifestyle.

Then came you-- and the wonderful weekend and miracle I can't stop talking about. The work you did on my ribs and diaphram immediately freed up my breathing so that I am now breathing like a 12 year old!! Except more conscious of what a gift it is to inhale to my full capacity. I am so filled with joy and relief that I couldn't help but cry tho' that is not my normal reaction to bodywork.

Also, some very painful events of my life from that time period that I could never talk about came pouring out later that night to a friend there again with tears and relief and a new found freedom. I can't wait to try this on more clients, tho I have already tried it on one quadraplegic client with great results.

Again I wish to thank you with all my Lungs and Heart, and encourage you to keep passing on this great work. And to all other therapists, listen to your clients and help them set themselves free.

Gratefully Yours,
Rosie Scott

I wanted to share something that I never had the opportunity to tell you about in class. It was when you were discussing the definition of a "wrist", and then the ankle.

I injured my ankle this summer doing extensive walking on a hard surface. The more I walked the worse it got. The pain was on the front of the ankle. So, I went to my doctor who then referred me to an orthopedic surgeon as he thought there might be a fracture. My x-rays came back clean, the ortho said it was soft tissue and to just "stay off it for a while". I had already been off of it for 6 weeks!

I don't know why it hadn't occured to me before, but I started doing work on my calf and the bottom of my foot, with particular attention to lateral soleus as that lit up when I worked on it. Wouldn't you know I had the keys to the kingdom the whole time right in my own hands? The doctors were looking at the ankle, I visualized the whole system and came up with the solution. It's been great ever since!

Margo Farnsworth

esophagus - swallowing with greater ease - achalasia

Hi Howard, just wanted to say I loved the class. I haven't had any neck pain since you demonstrated on my neck Sunday afternoon. I have a long history of neck pain as do my father and sister. If I use nothing else from your class (which won't be the case because I will be practicing the seated moves on my friends at work tonight) I am psyched about using the neck traction move! Thanks again and see you in June for part II.

Nancy Rooney

improvement in neck and back pain


I just wanted to take a few minutes of your very valuable time to express my gratitude for this seminar. I came into this seminar with a two year post surgical history with my left shoulder, and left absolutely amazed at results that were achieved in just one session.

I had an extensive bursectomy, acromial decompression, as well as distal clavical excision done as a result of a work related injury. After the "conventional" P.T. for six monthes after the surgery I was still left with limited range of motion as well as chronic stiffness, and pain.

On the third day of your seminar we addressed shoulder modalities, which made me cringe in pain just knowing and seeing what was about to happen. The work was VERY painfull, but I tried hard to breath and "tough it out", knowing that this could potentually help.

As soon as the work was done I emediately felt that the shoulder was more open and I was able to put my arm over my head in ways I have not been able to do in more than two years. I am happy to report that today is two days post seminar and I am still pain free as well as have maintained the range of motion that was achieved.

Thank you so much for this valuable tool to be able to put into my professional "toolbox", I am looking forward to the lower extremity seminar in April, and am truly considering becoming certified in this modality; as well as take the advanced stroke seminar. You and Scott are a great team of instructors !!!!

OCM student,
Crista Poole-Caley

migraine goes away

Hi Howard!

Hope you're home safe and sound.

I made it - MIGRAINE FREE and am feeling groovy. Anxious to practice the moves...

Please e-mail me an address. I was inspired to send you something as a token of my appreciation. It's my new favorite thing and I'd like you to receive it by the 19th. I really think you'll enjoy.

Thank you for sharing and all the love. (maybe that migraine was a blessing- still feeling all those gifted hands) You have a new fan in KY- my friends will want to come to the next one.

Sincerely, Kim

relief from chronic neck pain of 25 years

We did have a beautiful miracle on Sunday. Remember I emailed about the 78 yr old that took the class. Her name is Donna. She LOVED the work and did very well. We changed her life 😁😁😁. She cried like a baby, 3X, because of the relief. Postural improvements, all the lines in her face were almost gone, color was better, eyes brighter and more open, better range of motion — you know the drill. She's been a therapist for 35 years and man-o-man she looked like it the first night! She was wonderful and made me cry. She was so happy! As were we!

Return To

These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244
© Howard Rontal


As a massage therapist, I knew how effective myofascial manipulation can be. I knew a few techniques for fascia release based on the Medical Massage Course I took at the Academy of Natural Health Sciences in NJ. But the course "The Myofascial Release Massage Upper Body Protocols" taught by Howard Rontal gives more in depth manipulation techniques that can really make a difference in functionality. This is my story and what Myofascial Release by Howard Rontal has done for me personally.

I had an open heart surgery in 1978 to correct Ventricular Septum Defect. I was 5 at the time. What this means is that the medical staff working on me had to cut my sternum in half to open my chest cavity to repair a hole in the septum, the cardiovascular wall dividing the left and right ventricle of my heart. I The surgery corrected one problem but created another - a constriction that would affect my breathing problems for the next 38 years. Before I was operated on I never had breathing problems. Shortly after, i developed asthma, was prone to lung infections and was winded easily. As a child it didn't bother me that much because I wasn't athletic. In my teens I started running and playing sports. i always got winded faster than everyone else. I thought I was just not as good or just not in as good shape as everyone else. But no matter how hard I trained, there was always a point where I had to stop because I couldn't breathe well or I would over heat from lack of oxygen. I also would get occasional pains on either side of my rib cage when inhaling deeply. even at rest. it was only this year that my yoga instructor discovered that my chest did not inflate when i breathed deeply, only my belly did. After that I was more mindful of what happens when i run and I noticed that I belly breathe which is ok for a certain speed but as I run faster into a sprint I need to take deeper breaths and it's just not possible for me so I begin to hyperventilate. When I learned that we would be working on myofascial release to ease breathing, I asked Howard is this could make a difference for me.

He asked me to stand in front of the class so that they can observe my breathing pattern. And as my yoga instructor discovered, they all agreed that my rib cage does not expand and only my belly does when breathing. My chest did not move at all. Howard began to apply the myofascial release on my chest, upper arm and shoulders. it was pretty uncomfortable, I must admit, but my muscle were so constricted after not expanding for 38 years that I knew there would be discomfort. With each technique my chest cavity began moving slowly and after the session was finished I took my first real deep inhalation for the first time in 38 years. It was a miracle and I can not thank Howard enough. I am so excited with my own results and can't wait to share these techniques with my own clients.

With thanks,

Denise Valdes
Zenergy Wellness Center
Cranbury, NJ

First letter from Carol Buckingham:

Dear Howard

I can't believe that for the second time in a week I am contacting you about a self treatment success. Though I normally have no back pain, I started feeling a lumbar ache followed by sudden sharp pains in the same area. I got down to the floor with unbelievable difficulty and then raised both legs up to compare length. There appeared to be more shortness on the left than usual. I pressed deeply into my abdomen to feel and hold my left psoas as I raised my left leg about 4 inches off the floor while pushing my heel outward. On the second try my psoas released and my lumbar spine spontaneously adjusted. I easily stood up, the pain was gone and I could move normally.

Thank you for teaching that technique.

Carol Buckingham

Second letter from Carol Buckingham: Thanks for a great part 3 class in VA Beach, fun, informative and relaxed. What could be better? I have been doing a lot of MRM lately, with good results and have an interesting variation on the iliacus. I have the client positiioned with both knees raised, feet flat on the table. I press into the iliacus and then have the client slowly wave both legs side to side (but not too far over) with the feet still in contact with the table. It is as I like to say, "special". What do you think?

The knee decompression you taught is a great help to my clients and now to me! I was just out crawling around with my vegetables (I was crawling, but they weren't) and when I got up my right knee was wonky, so I gimped into the house and did one knee decompression on myself and ta da!! Knee pain gone.

Carol Buckingham


I want to thank you again for the abdominal work you did on me in The Advanced Myofascial Release class this past weekend. You asked if anyone experienced lower back pain while doing a backbend. I raised my hand and told you about my 3 abdominal surgeries in the last 20 years. Before we began the work, you had me do a backbend. Then you and the other students felt my stomach. . . the descriptions were quite accurate — "hard and mushy at the same time." One person said "it feels like a water bed." You started with compression work — slow and deep — which created an emotional release in me, but you keep the pressure steady. After I got thru that, I could feel my stomach softening under your hands and the pressure going deeper. Then you used the "business end of your fist" to strip and smooth out the fascia. When I got off the table, I felt 10 lbs lighter and taller. I repeated the backbend and found I had no pain and was able to extend back so much farther. Really enjoyed the class and learned so much this weekend from you. . . great class.

As a side note, I went to my yoga class today and was able to go deeper into all my poses, including the backbend, with ease and zero pain in my lower back.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Katherine Voss CMT
Virginia Beach, VA

Hi Howard.

First of all I want to say thank you so much for teaching such a fabulous class over the weekend. My brain is so full of new information.

Secondly I wanted to let you know about my bike ride this morning post myofascial release. I'm the one who had the flat right foot and knee that pointed inward and when I rode my bike I had pain in my right hip. So today as soon as I got on my bike I could see that my ankle, knee and hip were all in a straight line!

I rode for 24 miles and kept a good pace at 14.1 mph which is good for me any day. What I noticed as different:

  • My ankles were very flexible.
  • I never felt a strain or pain in my right hip capsule.
  • My right leg felt very loose and relaxed unlike before and conversely my left leg was very stressed and painful for the first 11 miles then felt fine (perhaps because so much change had happened on the other leg it was readjusting old patterns).
  • My lung capacity was amazing!! Normally I grunt uphill pretty well but at the top or on the flats I poke along because I am panting so much. Not today! My breathing was so much smoother and I recovered right away so I could really speed up on the flat areas even when I was crouched low over my bike.
  • Recovery at the end of my ride was speedy. Last week I rode my bike for 20 miles and when I finished my hamstring origins were screaming for several days. Not today. There was no pain there. Truly amazing. I felt very balanced between quads and hamstrings the whole way.

I thought you would be interested in my results soon after our class. I am so thrilled how I felt I can't wait to ride again. We can all add bicyclists to our list of potential clients.

Thanks again and best regards,

Carol Rossetti

Hip Improves - after 15 years!

Hi Howard,
Just wanted to say that I loved the class! It's been several weeks now since you worked on my hip, and it's still doing fantastic! The scar tissue has softened, and the increased range of motion is still holding strong. In fact, I'm still able to sit cross-legged, something I hadn't been able to do since getting hit by that car 15 years ago.

I've noticed that I've been making a few adjustments here and there due to correcting "postural habits" I've picked up over the last decade and a half to accommodate the hip issues/pain created by injury. In fact, I've been going to a chiropractor every week for quite a while now for adjustments to correct the 'unevenness' of the hips, and for the last three visits since your class, the hips have been even. No need for an adjustment!

The chiropractor has been pretty impressed. And so have I been. Thank you so much! The work you did in class has helped me not only in my professional career, but in my personal life as well!

Gratefully Yours,

Breathing Miracles

Dear Howard;

Your work on me and training this past weekend has forever changed my life! It has very likely lengthend my life, and dramatically improved my quality of life. I will be forever grateful and feel a deep bond to you.

You had the patience and courage to keep persisting at my request (signaling, since I couldn't talk much) even tho you were in the process of teaching a class and could have rushed through teaching the procedure. You made me feel like I was the only one in the room. I felt that you truly cared about my end result, not just teaching or effienciey or money to be made.

Let me explain--

When I was 12 and had my first bout with pneumonia without any medical care, which turned into 3 years of very painful pleurisy with a continuous fever. At age 19 my Dr. became concerned and referred me to a pulmonologist who conducted many tests including a Bronchoscopy and a Bronchiogram. I was told that I had alot of scar tissue in my left plural cavity and lung and that I would need to be careful to aviod and be susceptible to pneumonia.

However I was offered no hope of any way to better my condition. Any attempt at a deep breath was at best difficult and frustrating, and at worst painful. For 36 years I have often woken at night trying to get a deep breath. I have since had 3 more bouts with pneumonia, and alot of bronchitis in spite of a very healthy lifestyle.

Then came you-- and the wonderful weekend and miracle I can't stop talking about. The work you did on my ribs and diaphram immediately freed up my breathing so that I am now breathing like a 12 year old!! Except more conscious of what a gift it is to inhale to my full capacity. I am so filled with joy and relief that I couldn't help but cry tho' that is not my normal reaction to bodywork.

Also, some very painful events of my life from that time period that I could never talk about came pouring out later that night to a friend there again with tears and relief and a new found freedom. I can't wait to try this on more clients, tho I have already tried it on one quadraplegic client with great results.

Again I wish to thank you with all my Lungs and Heart, and encourage you to keep passing on this great work. And to all other therapists, listen to your clients and help them set themselves free.

Gratefully Yours,
Rosie Scott

I wanted to share something that I never had the opportunity to tell you about in class. It was when you were discussing the definition of a "wrist", and then the ankle.

I injured my ankle this summer doing extensive walking on a hard surface. The more I walked the worse it got. The pain was on the front of the ankle. So, I went to my doctor who then referred me to an orthopedic surgeon as he thought there might be a fracture. My x-rays came back clean, the ortho said it was soft tissue and to just "stay off it for a while". I had already been off of it for 6 weeks!

I don't know why it hadn't occured to me before, but I started doing work on my calf and the bottom of my foot, with particular attention to lateral soleus as that lit up when I worked on it. Wouldn't you know I had the keys to the kingdom the whole time right in my own hands? The doctors were looking at the ankle, I visualized the whole system and came up with the solution. It's been great ever since!

Margo Farnsworth

esophagus - swallowing with greater ease - achalasia

Hi Howard, just wanted to say I loved the class. I haven't had any neck pain since you demonstrated on my neck Sunday afternoon. I have a long history of neck pain as do my father and sister. If I use nothing else from your class (which won't be the case because I will be practicing the seated moves on my friends at work tonight) I am psyched about using the neck traction move! Thanks again and see you in June for part II.

Nancy Rooney

improvement in neck and back pain

migraine goes away


I just wanted to take a few minutes of your very valuable time to express my gratitude for this seminar. I came into this seminar with a two year post surgical history with my left shoulder, and left absolutely amazed at results that were achieved in just one session.

I had an extensive bursectomy, acromial decompression, as well as distal clavical excision done as a result of a work related injury. After the "conventional" P.T. for six monthes after the surgery I was still left with limited range of motion as well as chronic stiffness, and pain.

On the third day of your seminar we addressed shoulder modalities, which made me cringe in pain just knowing and seeing what was about to happen. The work was VERY painfull, but I tried hard to breath and "tough it out", knowing that this could potentually help.

As soon as the work was done I emediately felt that the shoulder was more open and I was able to put my arm over my head in ways I have not been able to do in more than two years. I am happy to report that today is two days post seminar and I am still pain free as well as have maintained the range of motion that was achieved.

Thank you so much for this valuable tool to be able to put into my professional "toolbox", I am looking forward to the lower extremity seminar in April, and am truly considering becoming certified in this modality; as well as take the advanced stroke seminar. You and Scott are a great team of instructors !!!!

OCM student,
Crista Poole-Caley

Hi Howard!

Hope you're home safe and sound.

I made it - MIGRAINE FREE and am feeling groovy. Anxious to practice the moves...

Please e-mail me an address. I was inspired to send you something as a token of my appreciation. It's my new favorite thing and I'd like you to receive it by the 19th. I really think you'll enjoy.

Thank you for sharing and all the love. (maybe that migraine was a blessing- still feeling all those gifted hands) You have a new fan in KY- my friends will want to come to the next one.

Sincerely, Kim

relief from chronic neck pain of 25 years

We did have a beautiful miracle on Sunday. Remember I emailed about the 78 yr old that took the class. Her name is Donna. She LOVED the work and did very well. We changed her life 😁😁😁. She cried like a baby, 3X, because of the relief. Postural improvements, all the lines in her face were almost gone, color was better, eyes brighter and more open, better range of motion — you know the drill. She's been a therapist for 35 years and man-o-man she looked like it the first night! She was wonderful and made me cry. She was so happy! As were we!

Return To

These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal
phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal