Myofascial Release Massage: Deep Work. Lasting Relief.



When Your Doctor Just Can't Help You

My journey to healing began on an unfortunate night many years ago when I became victim to an assault. I suffered injuries to my spine and neck that took almost the next two years to get over. I was 20 and as I moved on with life I would find a new reality I would have to face, an invisible, crippling, impediment that would become part of everyday life, undiagnosable pain.

Things started with constant back pain, sharp sporadic pains in my chest. The usual tests, x- rays, CT scans, blood tests showed nothing was wrong. We would ignore it and a few months later I was back again unable to get a diagnosis.

This continued for years and I had been living with pain for so long, I had forgotten what it was like to not have constant neck, shoulder, back pain, sharp sporadic chest pains, legs and arms constantly going to sleep, and myself unable to sleep at night.

Over time things worsened until I could bare this no more. My doctors had run every test available over the years, I have had probably 40 x-rays of my chest over the past 10 years, MRIs, CT scans, blood tests, blood tests, X-rays, pain killer this, pain killer that, muscles relaxers, and everything on the tests showing up normal. ER visits proved no help either.

I had been tested for Limes Disease, Lupus, MS, always coming back with negative test results but the symptoms constantly there. It got to the point were my doctors didn't even take me seriously anymore. It was clear after all these years they could not help me.

When I had all but given up on medical science, I turned to more traditional homeopathic pain therapies. I tried acupuncture, there were some results with this but they would not last. This became a weekly ritual for the while I could afford it.

After about 8 month, I started massage therapy and this helped a lot with the pain. Over the course of the next 5 years this would be my pain management therapy but in the end it seemed that even massage therapy had reached its plateau.

The pain was usually back the next morning in my shoulders and back, then headaches started, my vision was not clear at times, I got feelings of being disoriented, exhausted, difficulty digesting food, and the sporadic chest pain became more intense.

Now at this stage some 10 years on I am fairly young still, 32, non-smoker, don't drink or use substances, I watch what I eat, don't eat or drink junk foods or soda, despite all the pain I am in decent physical shape, but I could not understand what I am in so much pain. I discussed my worsening condition with my doctors, they just ordered the same old tests again, I believed that at 32 years of age, I would not live to see my three small children grow up.

I talked with my massage therapist and he suggested that I try a different type of therapy called Hellerwork. I was given Howard's phone number, and with very little hope that this would work I called and scheduled an appointment.

I was skeptical, exhausted by this failure our great country calls health care but with no other option. I came to my first visit and it was clear to me from the start that Howard has a gift. By my third session with him, I was a completely changed person.

My pain was almost completely gone. I could move, I could breath, my headaches were gone, my vision was back, no more disoriented cloudyness. God had given me my life back, and Howard was the hand that gave it to me.

There were tough times as we continued the series, but I am ever grateful that I made the decision to see Howard. If you suffer physical pain and are looking for healing, this is your place. It hurts that so much of my life was wrongfully taken but the joy of getting it back is indescribable.

Manassas, Virginia

A Testimonial for MRM

In May 2007 I was injured in a construction accident at work and fell 25' off a bridge to the ground. I was very fortunate to have only sustained two lumbar vertebrae compression fractures, with multiple sprains to ligaments in my neck, back and pelvis.

I went through rehab and physical therapy for five months and then returned to work, limited duty. I struggled with moderate to severe daily pain. Though after nine months I was at full duty, with the nature of my work as a construction carpenter I still experienced multiple flare ups, i.e. muscle spasms and residual pain (5-7 on the 10 scale) and sometimes debilitating pain still persisted.

In addition to physical therapy, I had weekly acupuncture treatments, medical massage, energy work, and Chinese herbs which all contributed to my recovery to a degree. However, I was still at a loss as to how to regain as pain free a body as possible.

In my research to help myself I became aware of Howard Rontal and Myofascial Release Massage. (Though I worked as a carpenter by day, I had work as a licensed massage therapist (my passion) for 8 years. Since the accident I was unable to do much with massage because it was too much for my body) I signed up individual sessions with Howard, desiring to know personally the efficacy of the work and also signed up for the MRM seminars.

I went into the MRM session with Howard with a pain level of 5-6 and left the session with a 0-1 pain level! I don't know if I had been pain free since my accident. Now I was!

I couldn't believe the difference. I was breathing easier, moving easier, standing straighter and was relatively pain free! The depth of the work reached the trauma to my body in a way no other modality had. Subsequent sessions have provided lasting relief and ease of movement. Just a few months ago I wasn't sure all this would ever be possible.

Since then, I have taken both the Upper Body and Lower Body Myofascial Release Massage seminars. I have found that the techniques allow me to work again as a Massage Therapist, with much less stress on my body.

The techniques are a fast and efficient way to bring to my clients ease of movement and a marked reduction of pain. I was pleased to find that MRM integrated well with the other modalities that I use. My clients have told me that they are able to move in ways they hadn't for a long time and I attribute it to the addition of MRM to my repertoire.

This work has taken my work to the next level. I am so impressed with this work that I look forward to getting certified. Thanks Howard!

David Bradford

Message From: Crane Kirkbride
To: Howard Rontal

Just a few months after an auto accident in which I suffered serious bruising of ribs, intercostal muscles, and diaphragm, Howard Rontal worked to balance and realign tissue that had been frozen even after conventional treatment by a neuromuscular therapist. His understanding of the harmonic relationship between bone, muscle, tendon, and ligament made his body work immediately effective to relieve residual pain and discomfort. What is more his treatments held without regression. I highly recommend him to anyone in need of body work for any reason.


Howard, your work has mobilized the injured neck and leg.

Sharon Langston
Concord, California

Dear Howard,

I'm writing you this letter to thank you. When Diane suggested I come see you, I frankly expected just another version of physical therapy and massage. I had no idea that you, through Hellerwork, would work such miracles in my life. I don't know the words to tell you how grateful I am.

As you well know, the pinched nerve in my neck caused the pain in my neck, shoulder and arm to be all consuming. Most of my energy was spent just coping with it. I had been under the care of an orthopedist who had me in traction at home twice per day and taking muscle relaxers every four hours to calm the muscle spasms. He kept telling me, "Be patient, someday it will get better on its own, these things take time to heal, maybe even years." The pain, on top of losing my job, my apartment and my marriage all at once had pushed me to the brink of a nervous breakdown. I was at the end of my physical, emotional, and mental rope.

After the first time you worked on me, I started taking muscle relaxers only at night. After the third session, I stopped taking them altogether and discontinued the traction. It actually became painful and I was afraid I would undo your good work. I haven't taken a muscle relaxer or been in traction since then. I feel great. I haven't had any pain in my neck and shoulder or numbness in my right arm in a month now.

From the time I fell on the stairs at my job in October 1986 until mid-July of this year, I was in constant pain. The simplest things we do everyday and take for granted were excruciating for me. Most frightening of all is that I found myself accepting the pain and believing my orthopedist when he said all we could do was wait. The prospect of untold months of that agony was almost more than I could take. I went so far as to call suicide prevention shortly before I found you.

Hellerwork has changed my life forever. The turning point in my state of mind came as I read The Road Less Traveled. You had me read it for homework. I feel like a new person, not only because my pain is gone, but you helped me heal my spirit as well. You taught me to walk and sit all over again. More importantly, you enabled me to stand up straight and squarely face one of the most difficult times of my lfie and get through it a stronger, wiser person.

Last week, my eleventh session, you suggested that I consider becoming a Hellerwork Practitioner. All these months I've been trying to decide what my new career will be, now that I can't manage property. I want you to know that I have given it very serious consideration. I have decided whole-heartily and without a shadow of a doubt that this work is right for me. If I ever make the impact on someone else's life that you and Hellerwork have made on mine, I will know that I have accomplished something of real importance.

On a more day-to-day basis, the job fits me. I can make my own hours, be own my own boss, make plenty of money, make a real difference in the lives of my clients, and have fun doing it.

Call me when you have some time to talk. I want to get all the information on the Hellerwork training, the who, what, when and where. I know why.

Dear Howard,

I am pleased to let you know that your body working on my accident injuries stood the ultimate test of a rather hard (for a guy of my age) Nordic skiing on the Olympic trails in Canmore, Alberta. Please see some "postcards" attached.

My violent encounter with an SUV while biking has resulted in multiple injuries, including sprained leg, compartment syndrome, and sprained wrist. Whereas several weeks of physical therapy were very helpful, my leg and wrist had not recovered completely before your series of therapeutic massage. Given the nature of injures, I was concerned that left untreated they might turn into chronic condition with weakened and pain-prone areas. Of course, that would be terrible for my rather active lifestyle. Coming to you, I was hoping that myofascial release would completely resolve the residual pain and strains. The sessions with you more than met these expectations. I felt a significant relief after the first treatment and subsequent sessions brought about steady improvement.

As my intensive skiing shows, currently both my injured limbs are are fully recovered in terms of strength, range of motion, and stability. Even after several hour of hard uphills using skating technique, my injured limbs caused no problem and no pain (other than the "healthy" pain from just being tired). I am convinced that myofascial release can be extremely beneficial in various sports and accident related injuries and I will certainly recommend your body working to anyone who might need that kind of treatment.

Best regards,
Jan W., Rockville

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244
© Howard Rontal


When Your Doctor Just Can't Help You

My journey to healing began on an unfortunate night many years ago when I became victim to an assault. I suffered injuries to my spine and neck that took almost the next two years to get over. I was 20 and as I moved on with life I would find a new reality I would have to face, an invisible, crippling, impediment that would become part of everyday life, undiagnosable pain.

Things started with constant back pain, sharp sporadic pains in my chest. The usual tests, x- rays, CT scans, blood tests showed nothing was wrong. We would ignore it and a few months later I was back again unable to get a diagnosis.

This continued for years and I had been living with pain for so long, I had forgotten what it was like to not have constant neck, shoulder, back pain, sharp sporadic chest pains, legs and arms constantly going to sleep, and myself unable to sleep at night.

Over time things worsened until I could bare this no more. My doctors had run every test available over the years, I have had probably 40 x-rays of my chest over the past 10 years, MRIs, CT scans, blood tests, blood tests, X-rays, pain killer this, pain killer that, muscles relaxers, and everything on the tests showing up normal. ER visits proved no help either.

I had been tested for Limes Disease, Lupus, MS, always coming back with negative test results but the symptoms constantly there. It got to the point were my doctors didn't even take me seriously anymore. It was clear after all these years they could not help me.

When I had all but given up on medical science, I turned to more traditional homeopathic pain therapies. I tried acupuncture, there were some results with this but they would not last. This became a weekly ritual for the while I could afford it.

After about 8 month, I started massage therapy and this helped a lot with the pain. Over the course of the next 5 years this would be my pain management therapy but in the end it seemed that even massage therapy had reached its plateau.

The pain was usually back the next morning in my shoulders and back, then headaches started, my vision was not clear at times, I got feelings of being disoriented, exhausted, difficulty digesting food, and the sporadic chest pain became more intense.

Now at this stage some 10 years on I am fairly young still, 32, non-smoker, don't drink or use substances, I watch what I eat, don't eat or drink junk foods or soda, despite all the pain I am in decent physical shape, but I could not understand what I am in so much pain. I discussed my worsening condition with my doctors, they just ordered the same old tests again, I believed that at 32 years of age, I would not live to see my three small children grow up.

I talked with my massage therapist and he suggested that I try a different type of therapy called Hellerwork. I was given Howard's phone number, and with very little hope that this would work I called and scheduled an appointment.

I was skeptical, exhausted by this failure our great country calls health care but with no other option. I came to my first visit and it was clear to me from the start that Howard has a gift. By my third session with him, I was a completely changed person.

My pain was almost completely gone. I could move, I could breath, my headaches were gone, my vision was back, no more disoriented cloudyness. God had given me my life back, and Howard was the hand that gave it to me.

There were tough times as we continued the series, but I am ever grateful that I made the decision to see Howard. If you suffer physical pain and are looking for healing, this is your place. It hurts that so much of my life was wrongfully taken but the joy of getting it back is indescribable.

Manassas, Virginia

A Testimonial for MRM

In May 2007 I was injured in a construction accident at work and fell 25' off a bridge to the ground. I was very fortunate to have only sustained two lumbar vertebrae compression fractures, with multiple sprains to ligaments in my neck, back and pelvis.

I went through rehab and physical therapy for five months and then returned to work, limited duty. I struggled with moderate to severe daily pain. Though after nine months I was at full duty, with the nature of my work as a construction carpenter I still experienced multiple flare ups, i.e. muscle spasms and residual pain (5-7 on the 10 scale) and sometimes debilitating pain still persisted.

In addition to physical therapy, I had weekly acupuncture treatments, medical massage, energy work, and Chinese herbs which all contributed to my recovery to a degree. However, I was still at a loss as to how to regain as pain free a body as possible.

In my research to help myself I became aware of Howard Rontal and Myofascial Release Massage. (Though I worked as a carpenter by day, I had work as a licensed massage therapist (my passion) for 8 years. Since the accident I was unable to do much with massage because it was too much for my body) I signed up individual sessions with Howard, desiring to know personally the efficacy of the work and also signed up for the MRM seminars.

I went into the MRM session with Howard with a pain level of 5-6 and left the session with a 0-1 pain level! I don't know if I had been pain free since my accident. Now I was!

I couldn't believe the difference. I was breathing easier, moving easier, standing straighter and was relatively pain free! The depth of the work reached the trauma to my body in a way no other modality had. Subsequent sessions have provided lasting relief and ease of movement. Just a few months ago I wasn't sure all this would ever be possible.

Since then, I have taken both the Upper Body and Lower Body Myofascial Release Massage seminars. I have found that the techniques allow me to work again as a Massage Therapist, with much less stress on my body.

The techniques are a fast and efficient way to bring to my clients ease of movement and a marked reduction of pain. I was pleased to find that MRM integrated well with the other modalities that I use. My clients have told me that they are able to move in ways they hadn't for a long time and I attribute it to the addition of MRM to my repertoire.

This work has taken my work to the next level. I am so impressed with this work that I look forward to getting certified. Thanks Howard!

David Bradford

Message From: Crane Kirkbride
To: Howard Rontal

Just a few months after an auto accident in which I suffered serious bruising of ribs, intercostal muscles, and diaphragm, Howard Rontal worked to balance and realign tissue that had been frozen even after conventional treatment by a neuromuscular therapist. His understanding of the harmonic relationship between bone, muscle, tendon, and ligament made his body work immediately effective to relieve residual pain and discomfort. What is more his treatments held without regression. I highly recommend him to anyone in need of body work for any reason.


Howard, your work has mobilized the injured neck and leg.

Sharon Langston
Concord, California

Dear Howard,

I'm writing you this letter to thank you. When Diane suggested I come see you, I frankly expected just another version of physical therapy and massage. I had no idea that you, through Hellerwork, would work such miracles in my life. I don't know the words to tell you how grateful I am.

As you well know, the pinched nerve in my neck caused the pain in my neck, shoulder and arm to be all consuming. Most of my energy was spent just coping with it. I had been under the care of an orthopedist who had me in traction at home twice per day and taking muscle relaxers every four hours to calm the muscle spasms. He kept telling me, "Be patient, someday it will get better on its own, these things take time to heal, maybe even years." The pain, on top of losing my job, my apartment and my marriage all at once had pushed me to the brink of a nervous breakdown. I was at the end of my physical, emotional, and mental rope.

After the first time you worked on me, I started taking muscle relaxers only at night. After the third session, I stopped taking them altogether and discontinued the traction. It actually became painful and I was afraid I would undo your good work. I haven't taken a muscle relaxer or been in traction since then. I feel great. I haven't had any pain in my neck and shoulder or numbness in my right arm in a month now.

From the time I fell on the stairs at my job in October 1986 until mid-July of this year, I was in constant pain. The simplest things we do everyday and take for granted were excruciating for me. Most frightening of all is that I found myself accepting the pain and believing my orthopedist when he said all we could do was wait. The prospect of untold months of that agony was almost more than I could take. I went so far as to call suicide prevention shortly before I found you.

Hellerwork has changed my life forever. The turning point in my state of mind came as I read The Road Less Traveled. You had me read it for homework. I feel like a new person, not only because my pain is gone, but you helped me heal my spirit as well. You taught me to walk and sit all over again. More importantly, you enabled me to stand up straight and squarely face one of the most difficult times of my lfie and get through it a stronger, wiser person.

Last week, my eleventh session, you suggested that I consider becoming a Hellerwork Practitioner. All these months I've been trying to decide what my new career will be, now that I can't manage property. I want you to know that I have given it very serious consideration. I have decided whole-heartily and without a shadow of a doubt that this work is right for me. If I ever make the impact on someone else's life that you and Hellerwork have made on mine, I will know that I have accomplished something of real importance.

On a more day-to-day basis, the job fits me. I can make my own hours, be own my own boss, make plenty of money, make a real difference in the lives of my clients, and have fun doing it.

Call me when you have some time to talk. I want to get all the information on the Hellerwork training, the who, what, when and where. I know why.

Dear Howard,

I am pleased to let you know that your body working on my accident injuries stood the ultimate test of a rather hard (for a guy of my age) Nordic skiing on the Olympic trails in Canmore, Alberta. Please see some "postcards" attached.

My violent encounter with an SUV while biking has resulted in multiple injuries, including sprained leg, compartment syndrome, and sprained wrist. Whereas several weeks of physical therapy were very helpful, my leg and wrist had not recovered completely before your series of therapeutic massage. Given the nature of injures, I was concerned that left untreated they might turn into chronic condition with weakened and pain-prone areas. Of course, that would be terrible for my rather active lifestyle. Coming to you, I was hoping that myofascial release would completely resolve the residual pain and strains. The sessions with you more than met these expectations. I felt a significant relief after the first treatment and subsequent sessions brought about steady improvement.

As my intensive skiing shows, currently both my injured limbs are are fully recovered in terms of strength, range of motion, and stability. Even after several hour of hard uphills using skating technique, my injured limbs caused no problem and no pain (other than the "healthy" pain from just being tired). I am convinced that myofascial release can be extremely beneficial in various sports and accident related injuries and I will certainly recommend your body working to anyone who might need that kind of treatment.

Best regards,
Jan W., Rockville

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal
phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal