Myofascial Release Massage: Deep Work. Lasting Relief.



Up until May 14th, 2018, I lived with chronic headaches(that never went away. . . EVER), which quickly progressed into migraines by the early evening most days of the week. I adapted to life this way over the course of four years. I knew i couldn't settle for this life. . . one of daily, physical agony, so I sought out all kinds of help. I met with every type of physician that I assumed would have an answer, and solution for me. All of these encounters proved unsuccesful. I was referred to Howard by a trusted friend. I quickly made the decision to fly to Maryland from Toronto, feeling hopeful about his specialized treatment. The first session was on May 14th, 2018. This was my first day free of a severe Migraine. It has been just under two months since my four treatments with Howard, and I have been free from a migraine ever since. Chronic headaches are no longer chronic, and I have been reintroduced to a life free of physical pain. Howard Rontal's work has truly been life-changing!

Jessica M.
Toronto, ON

I'd never had a full-on migraine headache before, but recently I felt one coming on. I left work, and within minutes of hitting my bed was immobilized. I was nauseous and could barely open my eyes or lift my head. It was my immense luck that Howard Rontal was in town. He started a systematic process of muscular release. He is so knowledgable and precise in his work. I knew I could trust him completely.

At different stages of the process he would ask me on a scale of 1 to 100 how bad was the pain. It went from 100 down to 64. Then 36. Then 20. Then the headache was so background that I hardly noticed it. Within 40 minutes, the migraine was gone--flat gone. I could stand straight and see and think clearly. In a follow up session the next day, Howard addressed a few other nagging muscular issues. And that was that!

He gave me very good advice about changing my habits at work and home so that the migraine will not happen again. Thank you, Howard!

I have suffered with migraines for over 10 years but since an auto accident in August 2009 the migraines increased in frequency and severity. Nothing brought me the rapid and lasting relief that Howard's Myofascial Release Massage has. I am simply amazed and truly grateful.

Tracy Morris L.M.T, Maryland

I am writing to let everyone know about my experience with Myofascial Release. Before I came to the seminar, I was having 2 to 5 migraines a week. I had no energy.

After the work that we all learned and practiced on each other, I was able to breath and had so much energy! I noticed that I only had 1 migraine that next week. When I did my school work, I could remember almost everything that I read. Before, I thought that my brains had oozed out some how. LOL

The next seminar to follow, I scheduled an appointment with Howard to work on my TMJ. When I got there my head felt like it was going to explode. I had a migraine for 3 days and couldn't get rid of it. After Howard was done, I had NO migraine! It was totually gone. My whole body has had a make over!

I am doing awesome. I now know what kind of work that I want to get into. Myofascial Release. I want to help people just like me.

Becky Norman

When I came to Howard I was suffering from migraines three or four times a month, debilitating headaches that would leave me nauseous and incapacitated for days at a time. Other than the migraines, my health was excellent. And yet my life was being regularly disrupted by these persistent headaches.

After a terrible experience with conventional doctors who attempted to treat my headaches with a long list of prescription medications, I have refused to take any sort of pharmaceuticals, apart from the occasional aspirin.

Howard promised to improve my situation gradually, and naturally, over the course of eleven massage treatments. I was skeptical but hopeful that his unique approach, a combination of deep tissue massage techniques and spiritual dialogue, might finally offer me the relief I'd been looking for.

From the very first session I noticed that Howard's massage technique probed so deeply that it seemed sometimes that he and my body were locked in a battle to release years of stored-up tension. Howard won.

While at first I didn't notice a significant reduction in my headaches, I did notice that I left the session feeling significantly more relaxed. I came to realize that the relaxation was a result not only of the body work, but of the accompanying discussions, topics that were, one might say, metaphorically related to the physical area that Howard was treating.

In the session that he worked on my diaphragm, for instance, we talked about care and concern. Both feelings, it seems, were stored in my diaphragm, and when he released this area physically, a flood of emotion ensued. We explored a similar connection between mind and body in each of our sessions.

This combination of body work and spiritual therapy proved to be powerful. I never arrived with topics in mind for conversation, but let the body work and the theme for the session gently guide the dialogue.

Looking back, it seems that many of our conversations centered around defining male and female archetypes. Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised that such intimate body work would lead to my reflecting on male and female qualities. But I shall go so far as to say that my headaches were partly the result of my ambivalence toward, and even confusion over, the nature of the feminine.

As I began to relax in my body and to feel comfortable with my emotions, my headaches gradually diminished, first in severity, and then in frequency, over the course of the eleven-session treatment. I currently suffer from only one mild migraine in two months and my life is no longer disrupted. I strongly suspect that over the next year or so the headaches will disappear completely.

– Susan

To Whom It May Concern:

I have suffered from migraine headaches for many years, but for some reason, about a year ago, they took over my life.

Pain controlled my life for months. Migraines, face, neck and shoulder pain made even simple tasks seem impossible. I would frequently have to lie down on the floor of my office to make it through the work day. Driving was torture. In the evenings, I would collapse on the couch or in my bed.

I couldn't exercise and I was becoming severely depressed. Doctors had prescribed all kinds of drugs, including narcotics, physical therapy, acupuncture — I was willing to try anything. Then I tried Hellerwork with Howard Rontal.

Howard and Hellerwork were vital to my recovery. I have improved from 5-7 migraines a week to one or two manageable headaches a week — some weeks I don't have any. My neck and shoulder have more range of motion and I have retuned to exercise.

I can work a full week and I have the energy to enjoy myself. The depression has lifted, and I feel so much more like the old me. My family has noticed the difference, and co-workers have commented on the fact that my face is not contorted with pain.

I still see Howard once a month to keep myself healthy. I don't know if it is necessary, but I just know that I feel better after treatments.

You have to be willing to make a commitment to the process, which is not always easy, but well worth it. I am grateful to Howard for the power to heal. And the best part is that he has a sense of humor and a great music collection to get you through it!

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244
© Howard Rontal


Up until May 14th, 2018, I lived with chronic headaches(that never went away. . . EVER), which quickly progressed into migraines by the early evening most days of the week. I adapted to life this way over the course of four years. I knew i couldn't settle for this life. . . one of daily, physical agony, so I sought out all kinds of help. I met with every type of physician that I assumed would have an answer, and solution for me. All of these encounters proved unsuccesful. I was referred to Howard by a trusted friend. I quickly made the decision to fly to Maryland from Toronto, feeling hopeful about his specialized treatment. The first session was on May 14th, 2018. This was my first day free of a severe Migraine. It has been just under two months since my four treatments with Howard, and I have been free from a migraine ever since. Chronic headaches are no longer chronic, and I have been reintroduced to a life free of physical pain. Howard Rontal's work has truly been life-changing!

Jessica M.
Toronto, ON

I'd never had a full-on migraine headache before, but recently I felt one coming on. I left work, and within minutes of hitting my bed was immobilized. I was nauseous and could barely open my eyes or lift my head. It was my immense luck that Howard Rontal was in town. He started a systematic process of muscular release. He is so knowledgable and precise in his work. I knew I could trust him completely.

At different stages of the process he would ask me on a scale of 1 to 100 how bad was the pain. It went from 100 down to 64. Then 36. Then 20. Then the headache was so background that I hardly noticed it. Within 40 minutes, the migraine was gone--flat gone. I could stand straight and see and think clearly. In a follow up session the next day, Howard addressed a few other nagging muscular issues. And that was that!

He gave me very good advice about changing my habits at work and home so that the migraine will not happen again. Thank you, Howard!

I have suffered with migraines for over 10 years but since an auto accident in August 2009 the migraines increased in frequency and severity. Nothing brought me the rapid and lasting relief that Howard's Myofascial Release Massage has. I am simply amazed and truly grateful.

Tracy Morris L.M.T, Maryland

I am writing to let everyone know about my experience with Myofascial Release. Before I came to the seminar, I was having 2 to 5 migraines a week. I had no energy.

After the work that we all learned and practiced on each other, I was able to breath and had so much energy! I noticed that I only had 1 migraine that next week. When I did my school work, I could remember almost everything that I read. Before, I thought that my brains had oozed out some how. LOL

The next seminar to follow, I scheduled an appointment with Howard to work on my TMJ. When I got there my head felt like it was going to explode. I had a migraine for 3 days and couldn't get rid of it. After Howard was done, I had NO migraine! It was totually gone. My whole body has had a make over!

I am doing awesome. I now know what kind of work that I want to get into. Myofascial Release. I want to help people just like me.

Becky Norman

When I came to Howard I was suffering from migraines three or four times a month, debilitating headaches that would leave me nauseous and incapacitated for days at a time. Other than the migraines, my health was excellent. And yet my life was being regularly disrupted by these persistent headaches.

After a terrible experience with conventional doctors who attempted to treat my headaches with a long list of prescription medications, I have refused to take any sort of pharmaceuticals, apart from the occasional aspirin.

Howard promised to improve my situation gradually, and naturally, over the course of eleven massage treatments. I was skeptical but hopeful that his unique approach, a combination of deep tissue massage techniques and spiritual dialogue, might finally offer me the relief I'd been looking for.

From the very first session I noticed that Howard's massage technique probed so deeply that it seemed sometimes that he and my body were locked in a battle to release years of stored-up tension. Howard won.

While at first I didn't notice a significant reduction in my headaches, I did notice that I left the session feeling significantly more relaxed. I came to realize that the relaxation was a result not only of the body work, but of the accompanying discussions, topics that were, one might say, metaphorically related to the physical area that Howard was treating.

In the session that he worked on my diaphragm, for instance, we talked about care and concern. Both feelings, it seems, were stored in my diaphragm, and when he released this area physically, a flood of emotion ensued. We explored a similar connection between mind and body in each of our sessions.

This combination of body work and spiritual therapy proved to be powerful. I never arrived with topics in mind for conversation, but let the body work and the theme for the session gently guide the dialogue.

Looking back, it seems that many of our conversations centered around defining male and female archetypes. Perhaps I shouldn't be surprised that such intimate body work would lead to my reflecting on male and female qualities. But I shall go so far as to say that my headaches were partly the result of my ambivalence toward, and even confusion over, the nature of the feminine.

As I began to relax in my body and to feel comfortable with my emotions, my headaches gradually diminished, first in severity, and then in frequency, over the course of the eleven-session treatment. I currently suffer from only one mild migraine in two months and my life is no longer disrupted. I strongly suspect that over the next year or so the headaches will disappear completely.

– Susan

To Whom It May Concern:

I have suffered from migraine headaches for many years, but for some reason, about a year ago, they took over my life.

Pain controlled my life for months. Migraines, face, neck and shoulder pain made even simple tasks seem impossible. I would frequently have to lie down on the floor of my office to make it through the work day. Driving was torture. In the evenings, I would collapse on the couch or in my bed.

I couldn't exercise and I was becoming severely depressed. Doctors had prescribed all kinds of drugs, including narcotics, physical therapy, acupuncture — I was willing to try anything. Then I tried Hellerwork with Howard Rontal.

Howard and Hellerwork were vital to my recovery. I have improved from 5-7 migraines a week to one or two manageable headaches a week — some weeks I don't have any. My neck and shoulder have more range of motion and I have retuned to exercise.

I can work a full week and I have the energy to enjoy myself. The depression has lifted, and I feel so much more like the old me. My family has noticed the difference, and co-workers have commented on the fact that my face is not contorted with pain.

I still see Howard once a month to keep myself healthy. I don't know if it is necessary, but I just know that I feel better after treatments.

You have to be willing to make a commitment to the process, which is not always easy, but well worth it. I am grateful to Howard for the power to heal. And the best part is that he has a sense of humor and a great music collection to get you through it!

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal
phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal