Myofascial Release Massage: Easy To Learn. Immediate Results.




Neck Pain

Hello again Howard,

Copied below is the client testimonial I mentioned. Thanks for sharing your work, and your teaching,

Hi Pat,

I have been meaning to write you to let you know that I have been almost pain free since our last session. Your very "able hands" seem to have worked some magic! When I feel some slight tension building I remember to bring my chin down and so far that seems to be working. I can't thank you enough.


Hi Howard,

Had a myofascial client two weeks ago that went really well. It is the husband of one of the nail technicians I work with at the spa. She had been bugging him to try massage to help relieve neck ROM problems and headaches stemming from a car accident a couple of years ago..but of course, he only thought of massage as fluff and buff. So she finally gave him a gift card for christmas and I gave her the info on the MFRM for him to read.

So anyway, did a full MFRM upper body tx on him two weeks ago and he loved it...said he hadn't felt that loose in a long time and that one session did more for him than all the PT he had.

He is coming back again on Saturday for more!

Debbie Kilty

Oh, thank you Howard. I worked on two massage therapists that I work with yesterday and they think I am a miracle worker. I'd hate to disillusion them. I got hugged by both of them today. They said that they are pain free in their traps, scalenes and Levator scap for the first time in months. Thank you!


Dear Howard,

I want to thank you so very much. I enjoyed the myofascial release massage (upper body) class very much. You were very interesting, informative and clear in your presentation of myofascial work. The techniques were not difficult and the results were terrific.

I was involved in a car accident about 8 years ago. My car was not totaled. I suffered whiplash, and small muscle damage to the neck and upper back. For 8 years I have suffered in pain--I've tried chiropractors including a holistic chiropractor, laying on of hands, physical thearpy, feldenchrist, tens machines, and meditation.

All of which have brought temporary relief. I was hesitant in becoming a massage therapist, because I was having difficult holding my head up and my arms and hands were getting weaker; but I signed up anyway--hoping massage as my last resort. I was never professionally massaged by practitioner or student before enrolling in class.

So I just signed up and went to class. Signed up for myofascial class because it stated in the catalogue that it worked with chronic cases--I was one.

Well, in class I was given no special attention. I just worked along with my fellow students and I have been pain free since 04-06-01 with no need of adjustments, no need to come back for more sessions!!!

This was just a weekend elective! An instruction class! And I am so very, very thankful--it works!!! No more pain and weakness!!! My head doesn't feel like a bowling ball on my shoulders, I have no pain in chest and back, I can meditate--gosh!-- I can and am living pain free!!!

Thank you Howard

HI Howard (and Scott):

I want to thank you again for a wonderful weekend workshop. The myofascial work is really amazing me each day, and the more I practice, the better I feel.

I worked on a couple of clients this week already with some of the strokes, and one in particular, who has chronic upper back/neck trouble, definitely has increased ROM after the work that we did! I wanted to tell you about my positive results.

Also, I was reading the manual in some more depth, and I notice in the bibliography that you are offering reprints of "Intimacy is the Healing Principle" Could you send me a copy, either hard copy or electronic? I am very interested in this primary aspect of therapeutic bodywork.

Thank you again for a great weekend.
Kelly Blair, CMT
Ashburn, VA

Hope your day off in Boston was a good one. I wanted to thank you for a fun and educational weekend class at Bancroft. I truly enjoyed learning the Myofascial techniques . I felt a difference in my own body right away..definitely effective and efficient work. I couldn't wait to get back to work and share it with my clients

I have practiced the strokes on clients every day since the seminar with great results. My Monday client is a wonderful woman who is very heavy. She has 90 minute treatments with me and I constantly find myself struggling to effect the muscles n her back and shoulders.

I started her treatment with the seated strokes that we learned in the class. She could immediately feel that something different was happening. Her size is still challenge for me..her arms are difficult to hold..her scapulae are adhered to her back at the rhomboids, but, I definitely made much more headway by using the Myofascial strokes.

I also used the work with a client that has chronic neck and shoulder pain. She was blown away. She hadn't felt that much mobility in her cervical area in years. I was able to work in areas of her body that normally were "off Limits" due to ever sensitivity. She is a devoted fan!.

Other MT's that I have talked to since ther weekend can sense my excitement in these new "tools" You will surely see some of these fans in your next class in the fall.

I will continue to practice.. I can see that the more I use it the more creative ways I will find to weave the work into my treeatments.

Thank you for the renewed confidence in my abilities and in my career choice as a Massage Therapist.

Thanks Again,
Kerry White Wojtkowski
Shrewsbury, Ma

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244
© Howard Rontal


Hello again Howard,

Copied below is the client testimonial I mentioned. Thanks for sharing your work, and your teaching,

Hi Pat,

I have been meaning to write you to let you know that I have been almost pain free since our last session. Your very "able hands" seem to have worked some magic! When I feel some slight tension building I remember to bring my chin down and so far that seems to be working. I can't thank you enough.


Hi Howard,

Had a myofascial client two weeks ago that went really well. It is the husband of one of the nail technicians I work with at the spa. She had been bugging him to try massage to help relieve neck ROM problems and headaches stemming from a car accident a couple of years ago..but of course, he only thought of massage as fluff and buff. So she finally gave him a gift card for christmas and I gave her the info on the MFRM for him to read.

So anyway, did a full MFRM upper body tx on him two weeks ago and he loved it...said he hadn't felt that loose in a long time and that one session did more for him than all the PT he had.

He is coming back again on Saturday for more!

Debbie Kilty

Oh, thank you Howard. I worked on two massage therapists that I work with yesterday and they think I am a miracle worker. I'd hate to disillusion them. I got hugged by both of them today. They said that they are pain free in their traps, scalenes and Levator scap for the first time in months. Thank you!


Dear Howard,

I want to thank you so very much. I enjoyed the myofascial release massage (upper body) class very much. You were very interesting, informative and clear in your presentation of myofascial work. The techniques were not difficult and the results were terrific.

I was involved in a car accident about 8 years ago. My car was not totaled. I suffered whiplash, and small muscle damage to the neck and upper back. For 8 years I have suffered in pain--I've tried chiropractors including a holistic chiropractor, laying on of hands, physical thearpy, feldenchrist, tens machines, and meditation.

All of which have brought temporary relief. I was hesitant in becoming a massage therapist, because I was having difficult holding my head up and my arms and hands were getting weaker; but I signed up anyway--hoping massage as my last resort. I was never professionally massaged by practitioner or student before enrolling in class.

So I just signed up and went to class. Signed up for myofascial class because it stated in the catalogue that it worked with chronic cases--I was one.

Well, in class I was given no special attention. I just worked along with my fellow students and I have been pain free since 04-06-01 with no need of adjustments, no need to come back for more sessions!!!

This was just a weekend elective! An instruction class! And I am so very, very thankful--it works!!! No more pain and weakness!!! My head doesn't feel like a bowling ball on my shoulders, I have no pain in chest and back, I can meditate--gosh!-- I can and am living pain free!!!

Thank you Howard

HI Howard (and Scott):

I want to thank you again for a wonderful weekend workshop. The myofascial work is really amazing me each day, and the more I practice, the better I feel.

I worked on a couple of clients this week already with some of the strokes, and one in particular, who has chronic upper back/neck trouble, definitely has increased ROM after the work that we did! I wanted to tell you about my positive results.

Also, I was reading the manual in some more depth, and I notice in the bibliography that you are offering reprints of "Intimacy is the Healing Principle" Could you send me a copy, either hard copy or electronic? I am very interested in this primary aspect of therapeutic bodywork.

Thank you again for a great weekend.
Kelly Blair, CMT
Ashburn, VA

Hope your day off in Boston was a good one. I wanted to thank you for a fun and educational weekend class at Bancroft. I truly enjoyed learning the Myofascial techniques . I felt a difference in my own body right away..definitely effective and efficient work. I couldn't wait to get back to work and share it with my clients

I have practiced the strokes on clients every day since the seminar with great results. My Monday client is a wonderful woman who is very heavy. She has 90 minute treatments with me and I constantly find myself struggling to effect the muscles n her back and shoulders.

I started her treatment with the seated strokes that we learned in the class. She could immediately feel that something different was happening. Her size is still challenge for me..her arms are difficult to hold..her scapulae are adhered to her back at the rhomboids, but, I definitely made much more headway by using the Myofascial strokes.

I also used the work with a client that has chronic neck and shoulder pain. She was blown away. She hadn't felt that much mobility in her cervical area in years. I was able to work in areas of her body that normally were "off Limits" due to ever sensitivity. She is a devoted fan!.

Other MT's that I have talked to since ther weekend can sense my excitement in these new "tools" You will surely see some of these fans in your next class in the fall.

I will continue to practice.. I can see that the more I use it the more creative ways I will find to weave the work into my treeatments.

Thank you for the renewed confidence in my abilities and in my career choice as a Massage Therapist.

Thanks Again,
Kerry White Wojtkowski
Shrewsbury, Ma

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal
phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal