Myofascial Release Massage: Easy To Learn. Immediate Results.





As a massage therapy student, I was required to attend your Myofasical release seminar. Leading up to it, I was very nervous knowing there would be professionals in attendance. I was afraid I was in over my head and that they would be milestones ahead of me- but seconds into your introduction, I felt comfortable already and continued to feel that way throughout the seminar. Your manner was professional, yet personable and I never felt like I was lost or behind in any way. You treated the students and professionals without differentiation and I, for one, appreciate that.

When paired up for the first set of myofascial release strokes, I was the practioner first. The woman I was paried up with said she felt immediate changes in the way she was breathing, felt, etc. I am a very skeptical person and this seemed a little too good to be true. When it was my turn to get the treatment, I was curious........ unbelieveably, I too felt the instant difference in myself. For lack of being able to decribe the feeling I had better, I felt like a brick was removed from my chest. I could breath so much deeper and easier than I ever remember feeling before. On the way back to my hotel room that evening, I was anxious to try this on someone else who wasn't in our class.

I was able to practice my new techiques on my fiance, Tim, that evening. I did all the stokes we had learned through Saturday. Tim said he did notice a change in his breathing, as he is a smoker, and said it seemed easier to breathe. But, the real miracle was the next morning when I awoke to realize that our baby nor I had been awaken at all during the night by Tim's snoring!!! He has snored every night for the past 10 years and awakes me several times during the night because it's so unbearably loud. Our infant is also awaken throughout the night, every night. But....... Saturday night we all 3 actually slept through the night peacefully. On Sunday morning, Tim said he actually felt so rested and awake, unlike his usual drowsy feeling every morning.

All we can say is THANK YOU!!!!! This stuff is AMAZING!!!!

I couldn't hardly wait to get home and practive on everybody I know!!!!!! This is a great addition to my massage "toolbox"!!!!!

I can't wait to learn the lower body later this month.......... See you then!

Thank you again!

Brandy Nicole Reed
OCM Massage Therapy Student
Hebron, Ohio

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244
© Howard Rontal


As a massage therapy student, I was required to attend your Myofasical release seminar. Leading up to it, I was very nervous knowing there would be professionals in attendance. I was afraid I was in over my head and that they would be milestones ahead of me- but seconds into your introduction, I felt comfortable already and continued to feel that way throughout the seminar. Your manner was professional, yet personable and I never felt like I was lost or behind in any way. You treated the students and professionals without differentiation and I, for one, appreciate that.

When paired up for the first set of myofascial release strokes, I was the practioner first. The woman I was paried up with said she felt immediate changes in the way she was breathing, felt, etc. I am a very skeptical person and this seemed a little too good to be true. When it was my turn to get the treatment, I was curious........ unbelieveably, I too felt the instant difference in myself. For lack of being able to decribe the feeling I had better, I felt like a brick was removed from my chest. I could breath so much deeper and easier than I ever remember feeling before. On the way back to my hotel room that evening, I was anxious to try this on someone else who wasn't in our class.

I was able to practice my new techiques on my fiance, Tim, that evening. I did all the stokes we had learned through Saturday. Tim said he did notice a change in his breathing, as he is a smoker, and said it seemed easier to breathe. But, the real miracle was the next morning when I awoke to realize that our baby nor I had been awaken at all during the night by Tim's snoring!!! He has snored every night for the past 10 years and awakes me several times during the night because it's so unbearably loud. Our infant is also awaken throughout the night, every night. But....... Saturday night we all 3 actually slept through the night peacefully. On Sunday morning, Tim said he actually felt so rested and awake, unlike his usual drowsy feeling every morning.

All we can say is THANK YOU!!!!! This stuff is AMAZING!!!!

I couldn't hardly wait to get home and practive on everybody I know!!!!!! This is a great addition to my massage "toolbox"!!!!!

I can't wait to learn the lower body later this month.......... See you then!

Thank you again!

Brandy Nicole Reed
OCM Massage Therapy Student
Hebron, Ohio

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These testimonials are published as personal and anecdotal reports of the effectiveness of Myofascial Release Massage in each indvidual situation. The accounts have not been verified by an independent third party, and are not to be taken as either diagnosis or promise of cure for any condition - by prospective clients of Howard Rontal, prospective students of this work, or prospective clients of practitioners of Myofascial Release Massage. All therapy should be undertaken only after being advised by a licensed health care practitioner.

phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal
phone: 0466 569 244   |   |   © Howard Rontal