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In Class Improvement 2 - Testimonials

Pages: 1234

This testimonial is from Krissy Viccione, one of my Myofascial Release Massage Instructors:

We did have a beautiful miracle on Sunday. Remember I emailed about the 78 yr old that took the class. Her name is Donna. She LOVED the work and did very well. We changed her life 😁😁😁. She cried like a baby, 3X, because of the relief. Postural improvements, all the lines in her face were almost gone, color was better, eyes brighter and more open, better range of motion — you know the drill. She's been a therapist for 35 years and man-o-man she looked like it the first night! She was wonderful and made me cry. She was so happy! As were we! 

Pages: 1234

Howard Rontal demonstrates MRM Massage